A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Tomas Svoboda
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The thesis desribes contribution to basic research on panoramic
The solid methodology for a design of a hyperbolic mirror has been
derived. Mirror parameters are mainly restricted from several
requirements: camera used, sufficient field of view, practical
realization and problems of focusing. Our methodology has been used
in practice.
The epipolar geometry for a pair of central panoramic cameras is
the main novel contribution of this thesis. This geometry
constraints positions of corresponding points. An epipolar conic is
assigned in the second image to each point in the first panoramic
image and vice versa. The epipolar geometry serves as a basis for the
motion computation and scene reconstruction algorithms. Our results
give a general framework for a pair of the panoramic cameras that
preserve single effective viewpoint.
Our method for a robust estimation of the epipolar geometry is based
on a known statistical theory. The main novelty is the using diagonal
elements of the essential matrix as the quality parameter of an
estimated epipolar geometry. Our algorithm can cope with outliers and
it is faster than iterative algorithms.
Experiments with egomotion computation has verified superiority of
panoramic cameras in this field. The derivation of the optimal point
normalization is our ongoing research.
omnidirectional vision, epipolar geometry, panoramic
cameras, hyperbolic mirror, stereo, catadioptric sensors.