XE33PVR::Assignment2 - Camera Calibration


The goal of the lab is to learn the essentials about pinhole camera model [lecture PDF] and how to solve a constrained least square (LSQ) minimization problem [lecture PDF].

Assignment 2

Please note the updated instructions!

  1. Download the image poly.png. The image shows an artificial 400 x 400 x 400 cube (the units are not important in this part). Each of the squares painted in the side of the cube is 100 x 100. The image is the projection of the object with a pinhole camera.


  2. Assume the cube to be a calibration object. Define a world coordinate system. The most convenient would be perhaps to define on the cube. For the sake of clarity draw the x,y,z axes to the image. The best is perhaps to use Matlab function line but you can use an interactive editor, too.

    Grading: [1 point(s)] Clarity will be evaluated.

  3. Locate a set of 2D points in the image. You may consider to use the Matlab functions ginput or getpts . Plot the located coordinates to the images and label them with numbers. Update TS 2007-11-07 10:49 Start: Save the 2D<->3D correspondences to the disk in ASCII format by using save function :End of update.

    Grading: [1 point(s)]

  4. Estimate the camera parameters, which means, compute the 3x4 camera matrix P. Implement it in a form of function P=computeP(u,X), where u will be a matrix containing coordinates of pixel points and X matrix with corresponding 3D points. Check the correctness by measuring the sum of square residuals.

    Grading: [3 point(s)] Clarity, correctness, efficiency will be evaluated.

  5. Reprojection error. Project the calibration points to the image by using the computed P matrix. Display the projections and compute the 2D reprojection error. Do the analysis also for some points that were not used for the calibration.

    Grading: [2 point(s)] Short discussion about the results is expected.

  6. Insert a simple 3D object to the scene. Prepare a simple wire model of a cube a canonical position by specifying corner points. Attach the model to one of the sides of the cube with a proper perspective model.

    Grading: [3 point(s)] Mainly the functionality will be evaluated

General comments

Prepare one Matlab script that will execute the whole processing pipeline. Update TS 2007-11-07 11:17 Start: Your script must not ask for a human intervention. It will read the calibration data (text file) from a disk and display the 2D points to the image. :End of update. Don't forget to comment you codes, especially the functions. Pack all the codes and the image and upload it.

[XE33PVR labs | Responsible: Tomáš Svoboda ]
Last modified at 11:21, 07 November 2007 CET.