A415 Detector Multiplexer

[ A415 Multiplexer - 30 KB ]

The A415 Detector Multiplexer is designed to provide multiple input selection to the IL1800 Research Radiometer from as many as eight (8) SED type detectors, with no external power required (supplied by IL1700, 65 mA at 5V). The selection process can be performed by either manual or computer control, with visual LED feedback to indicate the selection. Two A415 units may also be stacked, to allow up to sixteen (16) selectable channels. Computer control permits automatic sampling at regular time intervals or in synchronization with a production process, to monitor irradiance levels from two to sixteen key locations in a light sensitive manufacturing process. For Oceanographic or Limnologic spectral irradiance measurements, a rugged, waterproof spectroradiometer system can be constructed using two A415 Detector Multiplexers, ten waterproof SUD detectors (with standard 100 foot cables) fitted with narrow band filters in 50 nm increments from 350 to 800 nm, a computer controller and data collector, and mounting hardware. Remote conditions monitoring at several locations can be accomplished using detectors customized with 100 foot cables, linked through one or more A415's to a central location for computer data processing.


Size: 90 mm high x 220 mm wide x 240 mm deep (3.5 x 8.7 x 9.4 in.)

Weight: 1.2 Kg (2.6 lbs)

Accessory: A405 Carrying Case (standard)

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