Flash Measurement

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SAE Task Group Number 5079 met in San Diego, CA on Tuesday, April 23, to complete the specification for aircraft anti-collision strobe measurements. Our President, Damond "Rick" Ryer, represented International Light at the meeting. Rick Ryer worked with the representative from NIST to develop detector based flash measurement standards that measure integrated charge. NIST has been gravitating away from lamp based standards in favor of detector based standards, because of the inherent stability of solid state materials. We are quite pleased with the new standard, especially because our flash measurement equipment is designed to measure charge already.

The new standard includes some major changes: elimination of the Blondel-Rey equation, measurement in candela * seconds, adoption of a silicon based detector standard in conjunction with a capacitive storage standard for the charge, measurement of total integrated charge over a 200 millisecond sampling period, to include multiple strobes within that window. For more information about the new SAE standards, contact Damond Ryer at International Light or Dr. Yoshihiro Ohno at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Optical Technology Division

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