
$\textstyle \parbox{0.4\textwidth}{
Center for Machine Perception
Czech Technical University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Dept. of Cybernetics, Karlovo nám. 13
121 35 Prague, Czech Republic
tel:+420 2 2435 7637, fax:+420 2 2435 7385

Real-time Head Pose Tracker

MSc Thesis of Jan Šochman
Supervised by Dr. Jirí Matas


Availability of cheap video cameras and sufficient computing power of current personal computers make video-driven human-computer interfaces feasible. We have developed an automatic facial feature tracker and head pose estimator.

Design Requirements

Adopted Approach

Possible Application Areas

System set-up

\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{images/wholeconf} \includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{images/camera}

Have a look at tracking examples
(in MPEG format):

Document available at http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/demos/Tracking/head/headtrack-Oct01.pdf

Jiri Matas 2002-02-26