Rank Conditions in Multiple View Geometry Jana Kosecka George Mason University Department of Computer Science Abstract Geometric relationships governing multiple images of 3D features (points, lines and planes) and associated algorithms for motion and structure recovery have been studied to a large extent separately in multiple view geometry. We will show that *all* the known constraints among multiple images of 3D features can be captured concisely through certain rank conditions on the so-called multiple view matrix M. These rank conditions capture all the known multilinear constraints and enables us to carry out global geometric analysis for multiple views, as well as systematically characterize all degenerate configurations, without breaking image sequence into two or three views at the time. I will discuss various applications of the presented formulation to problems in computer vision, graphics and robotic control. In particular the rank conditions give rise to a set of natural linear algorithms for structure and motion recovery from multiple views, enable us to formulate multiview feature matching criteria and image transfer to a novel view. This is joint work with Yi Ma (UIUC), Rene Vidal (UCB), Kung Huang (UIUC).