Omnidirectional Camera Model and Epipolar Geometry Estimation by RANSAC with Bucketing B.Micusik, T.Pajdla Abstrakt: We present a robust method of image points sampling used in \R{ransac} for a class of omnidirectional cameras (view angle above $180^\circ$) possessing central projection to obtain simultaneous estimation of a camera model and epipolar geometry. We focus on problem arising in \R{ransac} based estimation technique for omnidirectional images when the most of correspondences are established near the center of view field. Such correspondences satisfy the camera model for almost any degree of an image formation non-linearity. They are often selected in \R{ransac} as inliers, estimation stops prematurely, the most informative points near the border of the view field are not used, and incorrect camera model is estimated. We show that a remedy to this problem is achieved by not using points near the center of the view field circle for camera model estimation and controlling the points sampling in \R{ransac}. The camera model estimation is done from image correspondences only, without any calibration objects or any assumption about the scene except for rigidity. We demonstrate our method in real experiments with high quality but cheap and widely available Nikon FC--E8 fish-eye lens.