Robust Identification Based on a Processing-Oriented Object Representation Georgii Khachaturov Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico Home page or : Abstract There is a gap in most of pattern recognition approaches between low-level processing and high-level analysis. A recent approach filled this gap for the problem of structural identification: It allows execution of the low-level image processing routines under full control of an identification task. A new object representation, called TSG-model, was developed for this purpose. Specific property of the TSG-model is that its atomic elements are related directly to the low-level processing routines, unlike traditional approaches regarding so far geometrical concepts as atomic elements of an object model. TSG-model allows the master level to decompose processing for an identification task into a stream of verification of hypotheses. Controlling this stream, the master level indicates at each step where, what, and how to process next. The most recent development provides this approach with robustness. Using simple analogy, one may say that now the TSG-model works like a redundant code whereas the image processing looks like error tolerant signal transmission . So omissions of some object details during detection as well partial occlusions are allowed now in the framework of the approach.