Map. Getting here. |
invite you to The 44th Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium, Spring 2019April 11, 2019Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Karlovo namesti 13, Building E, 1st floor, room 107 (Zenger's lecture hall). |
10:55-11:00 | Welcome and speaker introduction. | |
11:00-11:45 |
Edmond Boyer
(INRIA Grenoble, France)
Some Contributions in 3D Shape Modeling [abstract+bio]. | |
11:45-12:30 |
Francesc Moreno-Noguer
(Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, Barcelona, Spain)
Geometric Deep Learning for Perceiving and Modelling Humans [abstract]. | |
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12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
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13:30-14:15 |
Stefan Leutenegger
(Imperial College, UK)
Spatial Perception for Mobile Robots [abstract]. | |
14:15-15:00 |
Relja Arandjelovic
(Deep Mind, UK)
Objects that sound [abstract]. | |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee break | |
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15:30-16:15 |
Zuzana Kukelova
(CMP Prague, Czech Republic)
Rectification of Radially Distorted Images from Coplanar Repeats [abstract]. | |
16:15-17:00 |
David Novotny
(University of Oxford, UK)
Learning the structure of object categories from incomplete supervision [abstract+bio]. | |
17:00 - | CMP visit (laboratory, demos, posters ), informal discussion. |