------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Database of ISAAC numerals Maintainer: Vojtech Franc (xfrancv@cmp.felk.cvut.cz) Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Center for Machine Perception (http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz) Last modified: 26-may-2004, Vojtech Franc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgement: ----------------- The database was created under the project: IST-2001-33266 Inspecting Sewage Systems And Image Analysis by Computer (ISAAC). The datbase can be used freely for academic, non-profit purposes. If you intend to use the database please acknowledge the paper [Hanton-ICVS2003] which contains description of the database and classification system designed to recognize the numerals: K. Hanton, V. Smutny, V. Franc, V. Hlavac: Alignment Of Sewerage Inspection Videos for Their Easier Indexing. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Vision Systems (ICVS2003). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2003. Description: ------------- Contains images of numerals '0'..'9' and symbols 'm' and '.' captured from video. Ground truth information is provided. The database may be used for training of character recognition and/or text detector systems. List of files: --------------- readme.txt This document. isaac_labeled.tar.gz Labeled directories with BMP images. isaac_unlabeled.tar.gz Unlabeled BMP images. isaac.mat ISAAC numerals in Matlab data file. isaac2mat.m Matlab script which creates "isaac.mat". Hanton-ICVS2003.pdf The original paper to acknowledge. The Malab file "isaac.mat" contains the following fields: X [dim x num_data] Images represented as column vectors; dim=100 as the image size is 10x10; num_data = 5007. y [1 x num_data] Labels. y = 1..9 corresponds to numerals '1'...'9' y = 10 corresponds to numeral '0' y = 11 corresponds to symbol 'm' y = 12 corresponds to symbol '.'