Range images with triangulation Pavel Krsek Center for Machine Perception Czech Technical University Faculty of Electrical Enginnering krsek@vison.felk.cvut.cz http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz This file and the data files can be obtained via ftp: ftp://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/pub/cmp/data/range/polyhedra/o1/export This description of range data consists of two files. Coordinates of vertices are stored in a file with extension .vtx and their triangulation is stored in a file with extension .tri as indices of the vertices. These two files are ASCII file with standard C++ number notation. Vertices: .vtx file is an ASCII file where each line corresponds to one point in range image. There are 3 columns in each line. The X coordinates are stored in column 1, Y coordinates are stored in column 2 and Z coordinates are in column 3. The columns are delimited by SPACE (20h) and lines are delimited by NEW_LINE (0Ah). The coordinates are in real millimeters with two decimal numbers. The extension of file of vertices is ".vtx". Triangulation: .tri file is an ASCII file too. Each line describes one triangle which is defined on the vertices. The triangle is stored as 3 indices of vertices. Therefore the each line has 3 columns (3 indices). The index is the number of line in vertices file. The line stores the 3D coordinates of the vertex of the triangle. The first vertex in .vtx file has index 1. The negative and zero indexes are not used. The columns are delimited by SPACE (20h) and lines are delimited by NEW_LINE (0Ah). The extension of triangulation file is ".tri". Example: Let's have four vertices V1=(X1,Y1,Z1), V2=(X2,Y2,Z2), V3=(X3,Y3,Z3) with the folowing triangulation: V1 --- V4 | / | | / | | / | V2 --- V3 The information will be stored in the files: Example.vtx: X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 X4 Y4 Z4 Example.tri: 1 2 4 2 3 4 NOTE: The sequence of indices in one line of triangulation file is not guaranteed.