Author Instructions for ECCV 2004 Camera-Ready Manuscripts
Camera-ready manuscripts for the ECCV 2004 main conference must
comply with the instructions below. For papers submitted to workshops, see the homepages
of the individual workshops.
All papers, regardless whether accepted as orals or posters, will appear in
the proceedings in the same format.
- The camera-ready manuscript in the correct format must be uploaded
before February 9, 2004. See instructions below
under "Camera-ready manuscript upload".
- At least one author must be registered
for the ECCV main conference, extra pages and/or colour pages must be paid, and
the copyright form must be signed to allow publishing a paper in
the proceedings. Your payment and the copyright form must be
received before February 23, 2004.
Page limit. The page limit is 12 pages and up to 2 additional pages
can be purchased for 100 EUR each. Please pay for the additional
page(s) together with ECCV 2004 registration.
Colour pages. It is possible to buy colour page(s) in the printed
proceedings for 220 EUR each. Specify your colour pages pages in a text file
called colour-pages.txt. Please pay for the color page(s) together with
ECCV 2004
Copyright form. The copyright form must be
signed by at least one author to publish the paper in Springer
Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Papers without signed copyright form will not
be included in the proceedings. Please sign the form and fax it to (intl.) 420 224 357 385
or mail it to:
Eva Matyskova
Department of Cybernetics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University
Karlovo namesti 13
121 35 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Paper formatting.
- The final paper should be formatted in LaTeX2e. Please download the ECCV
2004 paper package. It includes the LaTeX2e style, a paper template
file and the copyright form. Make sure you use the provided template, not just an
upgraded version of your
first submission.
- Papers formatted in Microsoft Word will
be accepted by Springer but we strongly discourage the authors from using
it. Please follow Springer
Instructions for Word Users carefully.
- Other word processor formats will not
be accepted.
- Generate the paper in both PostScript and PDF:
- Use PostScript Level 1 or 2 in plain ASCII, without encoding or
- Use PDF version 1.3 - 1.5 without passwords or encryption. We strongly
recommend to create the PDF by Adobe Distiller, GhostScript, or pdftex
- All fonts must be embedded in the document:
- Acrobat Distiller users use: Settings --> Fonts --> Embed all fonts
- LaTeX users (TeX Live 7, 8) use:
updmap --setoption dvipsDownloadBase35 true
updmap --setoption pdftexDownloadBase14 true
- LaTeX users (MikTeX) use: mkfntmap.exe
- GhostScript users use: ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer
- Make sure that all included PDF/EPS figures have all special fonts
embedded or aliased for Acrobat Distiller/GhostScript.
- If possible, use only outline (Type 1 or TrueType) fonts, not
bitmapped ones (Type 3). Recent TeX distributions such as TeX Live 7 or
8 contain a full set of Type 1 fonts as defaults. In TeX Live 6 use
option dvips -Ppdf file.dvi.
If you fail to follow these instructions your paper may be of reduced quality in the printed proceedings. If you are not sure about
formatting your document properly, please contact us at
Camera-ready manuscript upload.
The paper will be published both in printed
proceedings and in CD-ROM electronic proceedings. The paper will be printed in
monochrome unless you pay for the colour pages. If you wish to improve
readability by adding more colour to the
electronic proceedings version (at no charge), please follow the instructions
below in Point 2.
- Version for print. Collect all files necessary to generate
the paper, i.e. (1) the tex-file(s) including any special style files you may have used, (2) all images and illustrations in PostScript
and/or PDF, and the final document in (3) DVI (or Word doc file), (4) PostScript and (5) PDF formats. Put
all the
contents in a directory named print_version. This version will appear
in the printed proceedings. The source and the PostScript/PDF documents must be
of identical contents. If applicable, specify your colour pages pages in a text file
called colour-pages.txt.
- Electronic version (optional). This is only necessary if
a part of your paper has been converted to levels of gray in the version for print: Create
one more directory at the same level named electronic_version and put all the files necessary to
generate the electronic version there, including a PDF of the whole paper. Make
both the version for print and the colour electronic version are identical in contents (up to
The colour in the electronic version is at no charge.
Create a single gzipped tar-file or a ZIP archive file containing both directories.
Submit it through the online submission system at
Use the submission pin you received when submitting your paper for
review. If you have any problems,
please contact us at
Supplementary material upload. If you wish to
add any supplementary material (movies, VRML,...) to the electronic version of the
please add it to the electronic_version subdirectory. Add file supplement.txt
that will contain: paper title, the list of authors, a short description of the
material and a list of filenames that contain the additional material. Please make sure the
is provided in a format viewable across
a wide range of computer platforms. The material is limited in size to 2.5MB per
Final submission checklist
- final submission compressed in an archive file:
- all source files including figures and special style-files included
- final document in DVI (doc) format included
- final document in PostScript format included
- final document in PDF format included
- colour version for electronic proceedings included (optional)
- colour-pages.txt defining your colour pages (optional)
- supplementary material not exceeding 2.5 MB included (optional)
- archive file submitted via the online paper submission system
- copyright transfer form signed and faxed or mailed to the address above
- one author registered for ECCV 2004
- extra pages and/or colour pages paid