Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AllCombinationsSelector< ContainerT >
vslam::AllWeightsOneWeightMap< PoseGraphT >Property map that represents edge weights in the graph, where all edges have weight 1
AngleErrorAngle of the ray from the plane it should be in
vslam::CameraModel< ImageCoordT, RayCoordT >Interface for camera models that have one-to-one map between imaged rays and imaging surface
vslam::ConcentricCameraModel< ImageCoordT >
vslam::CovisibilityKeyframeVisualOdometry< NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >Keyframe manager based on covisibility (i.e. number of matched features) between keyframes
vslam::CustomOneDetectorNodeBuilder< PoseGraphT >
vslam::CustomOneDetectorNodeBuilderFeature2D< PoseGraphT >
vslam::CylindricalCCMCartRaysSpherical camera model with panoramatic image plane and rays in cartesian coordinates
vslam::CylindricalCCMSphRaysSpherical camera model with panoramatic image plane and rays in spherical coordinates
DataSelector< ContainerT >Interface to classes that generate subsets of size k of the data given in constructor
DatumErrorFromSE3TranformNot tested and not used
DatumErrorFunc< ModelT, DatumT, ErrorT >Error function interface for RanSaC
DatumRealErrorFunc< ModelT, DatumT >Error func for RanSaC which maps to real values
vslam::lmdetails::DisparityLmOrdering< G >Defines total ordering of landmarks based on disparity
vslam::details::DrawGraphDFSVisitor< G >
DummyErrorFunc< ModelT, DatumT >Error function useful for debugging
DummyModelBuilder< ErrorAccumT >Model builder simulation using given E-matrices
vslam::DummyVodomLogger< PoseGraphT >
vslam::EdgeBuilder< G >Interface for adding edges to the pose-graph
vslam::g2o_types::EdgeSE3PointXYZ< PoseGraphT >Edge class for g2o representing error constraint between verices
EigenAllocTraits< T >
EigenAllocTraits< Vector3d >
EightPointModelBuilder< ErrorAccumClassT >Defunct. not used anywhere
ErrorAccumulator< DatumErrorFuncT, ErrorAccumulatorT >
vslam::FeatureID< G >Unique identification af landmark observation (feature) in the pose-graph
vslam::G2OConstActiveDistanceBuilder< G >Optimizes all poses in fixed distance from a given vertex and all landmarks that are visible from the optimized poses
vslam::G2OGraphBuilder< G >Interface for building g2o graph
vslam::G2ORunner2< G >Interfaces g2o representation with our representation and runs BA
GeneralizedModelBuilder< ErrorAccumClassT >
vslam::GridFast lookup of content by image coordinates
ImageCoordinate< ImageParamsObj >
vslam::G2OConstActiveDistanceBuilder< G >::InstanceMaintains state of g2o graph building. It is destroyed ater the graph is built
vslam::KeyframeVisualOdometry< NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >Specialized interface for Keyframe Manager where pose-graph is a tree
LandmarkObservationRepresentation of landmark observation for RanSaC
vslam::lmdetails::LandmarkQualityOrdering< G >
LandmarkToPoseReprojectionErrorReprojection error function for RanSaC
LiHartley5ptFrom6ptsBuilder< ErrorAccumClassT >Model builder that produces a model using 5-point algorithm from Li and Hartley
LiHartleyMulti5ptBuilder< ErrorAccumT >Model builder that produces a model using 5-point algorithm from Li and Hartley
Maybe< T >XXX use pointer instead?? XXX not used??
MDErrorFuncAdaptor< DatumErrorFuncT >
Model< ModelT, DatumT >
ModelBuilder< ModelClassT >Interface for model builders used in RanSaC
vslam::MonoFtrClassEdgeBuilder< G >Implementation of EdgeBuilder, where there is only one kind of feature detector-descriptor pair
vslam::MultiCameraRigFromCCM< CameraModelRayIntermediate, CameraModelIntermediateImage >Non-central model for camera composed of multiple central spherical models
MultiSolutionModel< ErrorAccumulatorT, CAllocTT >
vslam::NMSOptionsSet up non-maxima supression (NMS) functionality of OneDetectorNodeBuilder
NoisyVirtualFeatureDetectorNoisy virtual feature detector for OpenCV feature2d framework
vslam::OneDetectorNodeBuilder< PoseGraphT >Interface for adding and removing nodes in the pose-graph
PairSelectorFromTwoSets< ContainerT >
vslam::PerformanceLogger< G >Records time elapsed between construction and destruction of this object
vslam::Point< G >Representation of a landmark
Point3dModelFromLandmarkObservationPairBuilder< ErrorAccumClassT >ModelBuilder implemetation for models parametrized as 3D points and constructed from 2 landmark observations
vslam::Points< G >
vslam::lmdetails::PointsLoc< G >Holds all landmarks in the scene. Helps managing landmarks
vslam::G2OConstActiveDistanceBuilder< G >::PoseAgeCompareDefines ordering on graph verticies given by vertex addition time
boost::property_traits< vslam::AllWeightsOneWeightMap< PoseGraphT > >Property map that represents edge weights in the graph, where all edges have weight 1
RandomDataSelector< ContainerT >
RanSaCOptions< ErrorAccumClassT >
RealErrorMaxErrorAccumulator< DatumErrorFuncT >
RealErrorPlusErrorAccumulator< DatumErrorFuncT >
RobustFeatureMatcherHandles unguided feature matching and robust estimation
RobustFeatureMatcherStatsStatistics output data structure for RobustFeatureMatcher
vslam::ScaleErrorKeyframeVisualOdometry< NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >Keyframe policy based on accuraccy of scale estimate. After the acuraccy decreases new keyframe is created
ScaleModelBuilder< ErrorAccumClassT >
vslam::g2o_types::SE3G2OSophus's SE3 adapted for use in g2o vertices
vslam::SimpleVisualOdometry< NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >All frames are considered keyframes (useful for debugging and testing)
SingleSolutionModel< ErrorAccumulatorT >Implements model inteface for models which have at most one solution
SingleVariableWrapper< T >
vslam::SphericalCMSpherical camera model with unit sphere as imaging surface
vslam::VertexDebugInfoDebugging info for a vertex
vslam::VertexDebugInfoLogger< PoseGraphT >
vslam::g2o_types::VertexPointXYZ< PoseGraphT >Represents landmark variable (vertex) in g2o graph
vslam::g2o_types::VertexSE3< PoseGraphT >Represents pose variable (vertex) in g2o graph
VirtualDescriptorExtractorVirtual feature descriptor extractor for the virtual feature detectors
VirtualDescriptorMatcherVirtual descriptor matcher for OpenCV feature2d framework
VirtualFeatureDetectorVirtual feature detector for OpenCV feature2d framework
vslam::VisualOdometry< NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >This is top-level calss for VO
vslam::VodomLogger< PoseGraphT >
vslam::VORosInterface< VisualOdometryTT, NodeBuilderTT, PoseGraphT >The class that interfaces visual odometry with ROS
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Author(s): Jiri Divis/
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:17