File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
camera_model.h [code]New, cleaner interface for camera model. Not yet operational
data_dump.h [code]
edge_pose_landmark.h [code]

Edge class for g2o representing error constraint between verices.

emat_estimation.h [code]ModelBuilder and ErrorFunction implementations for essential matrix estimation using RanSaC
error_func.h [code]Common interface for error functions for model estimation
feature_matching.cpp [code]Implementation of feature_matching.h
feature_matching.h [code]Virtual feature detectors, descriptors and matchers (for simulation) and global feature matching code
graph_builder.h [code]Contains code that performs functionality of Node Builder, Node Destroyer, Edge Builder and Landmark Manager (which are components of Main Data Structure)
graph_opt.h [code]

Optimalization of poses and landmarks.

graph_utils.h [code]
grid.h [code]Class for fast lookup of features by their image plane coordinates
landmark_manager.h [code]

Landmark Manager module.

model.h [code]Model and ModelBuilder interfaces used by RanSaC
model_estimation.h [code]Robust motion estimation using RanSaC.RanSaC implementation. RanSaC Model representation. RanSaC Error functions
pe.cpp [code]Top-level source file
pose_graph.h [code]Interface for Main Data Structure
se3_for_g2o.h [code]

Sophus's SE3 adapted for use in g2o vertices.

sfm_utils.cpp [code]Implementations for sfm_utils.h
sfm_utils.h [code]Structure from motion related stuff except for minimal solvers
utils.cpp [code]Implementation for utils.h
utils.h [code]Universal, globally useful definitions in vslam namespace
vertex_landmark.h [code]

Represents landmark variable (vertex) in g2o graph.

vertex_pose.h [code]Camera pose vertex for g2o framework
vis.cpp [code]Implementations for vis.h
vis.h [code]Code for drawing debugging info into camera images
vo.h [code]Contains various implementations for Keyframe Manager
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Author(s): Jiri Divis/
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:17