Internal Coordinate System

Internal coordinate system used by visual odometry is as follows.

The coordinate system is centered in the center of the sphere of the spherical approximation of our multi-camera rig. The positive z-axis goes approx. through the center of the panorama image, i.e. through image coordinates [width/2, height/2]. The positive direction x-axis intersects image plane at approx. [(3/4)*width, height/2]. The positive y-axis intersects the panorama image at approx. coordinates [width/2, 0]. Our coordinate system is thus left-handed.

Visual Odometry outputs ROS Odometry message which is in standard ros coordinate system as described in the documentation. It is assumed that forward direction is in the same direction as z-axis in the internal coordinate system.

The origin of the image coordinates is at the upper left corner of the panorama image.

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Author(s): Jiri Divis/
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:13