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What Was Difficult?

What is Important for Future Experiments?

References to Similar Work

[Johnson & Kang 1997]
A. E. Johnson and S. B. Kang. Registration and Integration of Textured 3-D Data. Proc. Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 234-241, May 1997.
[Moravec 1996]
H. P. Moravec. Robot Spatial Perception by Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Evidence Grids. Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-96-34, September 1996.
[Weng, Cui & Ahuja 1997]
J. Weng, Y. Cui, and N. Ahuja. Transitory Image Sequences, Asymptotic Properties, and Estimation of Motion and Structure. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, 19(5):451-464, May 1997.

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Radim Sara
Last modified: Fri Nov 7 17:13:03 MET 1997