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How to make it work on a Mac OS X

Software used

You will need the tools from the Developer's CD, namely the cc compiler and related programs. I compiled python, PIL, and Numerical Python from Unix sources, following the instructions.

Changes needed

  1. The following variables must be changed in the Makefile to create the shared module successfully:

    LDSHARED= cc -bundle -undefined suppress
    CFLAGS=-Wall -traditional-cpp -g $(INCLUDES) -DBIGSPLINES

  2. I could not find Tkinter for Mac OS X. Therefore, all references to it (lines: import Tkinter and import ImageTk) must be commented out (prepended by #) in file bigtools.py. Class ImageLabel in the same file must be also commented out.

  3. Reference to malloc.h in ffir.c should be replaced by:
    typedef size_t ptrdiff_t ;

This should be sufficient to run jkregister.py. Other changes in the same spirit might be needed to run the rest of the routines.

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