Pixel Based Image registration



You will be provided with 6  image pairs like the one shown in figure 1. You are required to hand in a report and a Matlab program that takes two images and registers them. The report should show the registered images and the transformation parameters for all image pairs provided. The images may be downloaded as a compressed RAR file here. You also MAY need couple of optimization toolbox functions fminunc.zip (depending on version of Matlab, in classroom (7.6) it is not necessary).





Proton Density Brain Image 1

Proton Density Brain Image 2

Figure 1




We assume that the geometrical transformation we search for is a combination of rotations and translations. This kind of transformation is called a rigid transformation and maps a point of coordinates [x, y] to point [u, v]. It may be written down as follows:


u =   x*cos( a ) +  y*sin( a ) + x0;

v = - x*sin( a ) +  y*cos( a ) + y0;


Where x0 is the x translation, y0 is the y translation and a is the rotation angle. The rotation is around point [0,0].


This transformation may also be expressed in matrix form using homogenous coordinates as





 cos( a )

sin( a )








-sin( a )

cos( a )












SubTask 1


Implement function rigidTransformation that receives an image (img) and 3 transformation parameters (angle, x displacement and y displacement) and returns the image transformed by the parameters. Its syntaxes should be:


imgdef = rigidTransformation (a, xd, yd,img);


 We recommended using the following  functions provided by Matlab:






 Maketform creates a geometric transformation structure.


tform= maketform( ‘affine’, A);


The structure will map points [x y] to [u v] by.




([x y  1 ] * A)T








Note that for this matrix  A  it is also true that:





AT  *












Imtransform transforms an image according to a 2-D spatial transformation returned by maketform.


imgdef= imtransform(double(img), tform,’Xdata’, [ 1  s1] , ‘Ydata’ , [1 s2]);


To insure that img and imgdef are of the same size s1 = number of columns of img and s2 = number of rows of img2.


Function imtransform will return an image of the same type as img. Make sure to that the input and output images are in double format. If not the transformation will not be precise enough for registration purposes.



Image Similarity Criteria


To compare the images we will use a Sum of Square Differences  (SSD) criterion. The SSD is defined as:





Subtask 2


Write the following function:


[ J ] = SSD(  X, img1, img2);


X is a vector containing the deformation parameters (angle, x translation, y translation).


 The first returned value, J, is the sum of square differences of img1 and img2 deformed by parameters X (use the function rigidTransformation that you implemented in the previous point).



Subtask 3


For the image pair 1 the correct parameters are  [-10   37.2   -1.4].  Plot the dependence of the criterion on the angle of the rotation in the vicinity of the correct solution. Keep the translation parameters constant. Use the functions you implemented in the previous point.





Optimizing a function of several variables is a complex task. Matlab provides a series of functions to solve this problem. We will use the function fminunc to find the parameters that minimize the SSD between img1 and img2.





Function fmiunc finds the minimum of a scalar function of several variables, starting at an initial estimate. This is generally referred to as unconstrained nonlinear optimization.


We will use the following syntaxes to call it:


XF =fminunc (@(X) SSD(X, img1, img2), start, opt);



The first argument (@(X) SSD(X, double(img1), double(img2))) means that we shall optimize the array  X of function  SSD(X, double(img1), double(img2)).IMPORTANT: the images must be passed as double precision arrays to the optimizer . If you don’t convert the images before passing the optimizer will not be precise enough and will fail.


The second argument is the initial search point (e.g. start=[0 0 0])


The third argument, opt is an optimization options structure. We can initialize it like this




LargeScale=off tells the function not to use a large-scale algorithm. For our problem medium scale algorithms are more appropriate. Display= iter displays the output at each iteration, letting you see the progress of the optimization. 


The algorithm used when fminunc is called like this is the BFGS Quasi-Newton method with a mixed quadratic and cubic line search procedure. Gradients are estimated using finite differences.



Subtask 4


Register the first image pair. Your result should be a vector with values nearly equal to  [-10   37.2   -1.4].  First try a starting point relatively close to this solution. Show the difference between the registered and unregistered image pairs. If the results are correct they should look like those of figure 2.



Image Difference Before Registration

Image Difference After Registration

Figure 2


Apply the function on all provided image pairs. Write down the time required for the registration (check functions tic, toc or clock for this), the criterion value achieved, the final parameters and number of iterations needed.


Evaluate the behavior of the algorithm for different starting points.



Subtask 5


When using imtransform you may specify the kind of interpolation to be  used (see Matlab help of imtransform).  Change your function and try using different kinds of interpolation ('bicubic', 'linear' and 'nearest' (=nearest neighbour) ) for starting point [0 0 0] with the example image pair and with some point closer to the solution. Does it allways converge? Compare visually the image transformed with the same parameters but different interpolation methods. Explain the results and include in the report.