few elements from Matlab programming related to basic image processing

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image representation in Matlab

2- or 3-dimensional array

imrgb = imread('Kravy_na_podzim.jpg');
imgray = rgb2gray(imrgb);
  Name         Size                           Bytes  Class

  imgray     480x551                         264480  uint8 array
  imrgb      480x551x3                       793440  uint8 array

Grand total is 1057920 elements using 1057920 bytes

Display images

figure(1); clf
title('RGB image')
axis on
figure(2); clf
title('Gray scale image')
axis on

Data types pitfalls

For some image arithmetics it will be needed to change the default integer data type into double.

Matlab DOES recognize data types, even in functions for displaying and saving. Be aware of it! This caused many confusions in past.

for type uint8 Matlab expects values

and for type double it expects

imrgb_float = double(imrgb);
imgray_float = double(imgray);
figure(3); clf
subplot(2,2,1); subimage(imrgb);
title('RGB image with integers');
subplot(2,2,2); subimage(imrgb_float);
title('RGB image with floats');
subplot(2,2,3); subimage(imgray);
title('gray image with integers');
subplot(2,2,4); subimage(imgray_float);
title('gray image with floats');

Saving images and figures

% saving bitmaps

% saving (printing) graphics (figures)
% activate the proper figure
% save as png bitmap
print -dpng figure3.png
% or as function
% save as color encapsulated postscript
% eps file may get very big. However, it is very useful for publishing.

Indexing of gray images

is pretty straightforward

% Subimage by specifing coordinates
imgray_sub = imgray(300:400,50:350);
% find all pixels where the intensity exceeds threshold
threshold = 128;
idx = imgray<threshold;
% indexing by a logical conditions
imgray_changed = imgray;
imgray_changed(idx) = 0;

figure(4); clf; imshow(imgray_sub); axis on;
figure(5); clf; imshow(imgray_changed); axis on;