ECCV 2004 Student Travel & Participation Grants

ECCV 2004 will issue a limited number of financial grants to partially suport travel and participation of student authors of papers accepted to ECCV 2004. You may apply for not more than one of the following two types of grants:

TRAVEL  -  travel expenses up to 500 EUR can be reimbursed (originals of travel tickets have 
                  to be sent to ECCV 2004).

FEE          -  the student registration fee can be remitted.

If you would like to apply for such a grant please complete the following and have it sent by your advisor by e-mail to:

Vaclav Hlavac

Submission Deadline: April 4,  2004
Notification: April 7,  2004

Grant type: 
Student Name (Last, First):
Full-Time Student at (Name of institution):
ECCV Paper Number and Title:
Total Estimated Travel Expenses (in EUR):
Other Sources of Support for Travel:

Advisor Certification: I certify that ............................. is a full-time student and his/her participation
is unlikely without this support.
Advisor Name (Last, First):