The crux of the data collector module is the Butler decorator class.
Butler enables users to record 'experiments' and organize them into a directory structure, see
Figure 1, which can then be processed and uploaded to the server.

Figure 1. The directory structure that Butler generates upon being run once on a data function.
The simplest arguments with which the decorator can be called with are
setup_file and
A basic usage of Butler is shown in the next
There is a
data_variable plugged into the
data_variables argument.
data_variable variable has to be visible
outside of the scope of the
In our case it has to be a global variable.
Butler, like all decorators, only has access to the arguments and return value of the decorated function.
"sensor_outputs" field in the data function's return value (
ret) has the same function as Butler's
data_variables=("data_variable", ) argument in this case.
The next
example contains a sample usage of Butler.
In this case we are decorating a
divide function that is inside a
Note the
self.data_variables is visible from Butler's perspective - Butler sees the
divide function's input arguments, therefore the
self is visible.
What is new here compared to the previous example is:
1. On line 8: The keywords="[INFO]" argument, whose function you can read up on in the code.
2. On line 27: The add_object_context function, which, you, as a human, can fill out. The 'context' then acts as ground truth.
3. On line 38: Butler.add_tmp_files(r"../unused/tests/setup_cropped.png", "data", "pointcloud.png") - this copies the file "...setup_cropped.png" to the "data" directory (can be "figs", "imgs") and renames the source file to "pointcloud.png".
4. On line 40: Butler.add_measurement_png(r"../unused/tests/setup_cropped.png") adds the image just for context.
5. On line 43 & 46: We just add the gripper_pose & object_pose to get the grasp used in this measurement.
If you need the decorated data function to still return its original values, just add the argument
output_variable_name (Line 6) to Butler.