LiteRay raytracer

Fast raytracing rendering engine LiteRay for Go3D editor. LiteRay was created as a semestral project for Computer Graphics lecture at FMFI-UK in Bratislava.

Renderer searcher for scene-ray intersection in sub-linear / almost constant time. This allows to render various effect very quickly - it takes just few (1-2) seconds to render 1Mpx image of 1-3Mtris scene (without GI, AA and ambient occlusions).

To summarize, features:
  • phong light model
  • various shaders, diffuse, bump and specular textures
  • global illumination or ambient occlusions
  • reflections, refractions
  • simple and recursive mirrors
  • adaptive antialiasing

Few images:

default material (0.4sec)

with ambient occlusions (< 4sec)

default material (0.5sec)

with ambient occlusions (< 4sec)

default material (0.4sec)

with ambient occlusions (< 4sec)

default material (0.4sec)

with ambient occlusions (< 4sec)

phong + mirror

with light shaders

simple materials

different materials

phong + mirror

with light shaders

phong + mirror

with light shaders

simple shaders

with light shaders

phong + mirror

with light shaders

phong + mirror

with light shaders

© 2004 Martin Bujnak. All rights reserved.