3-view triangulation problem
Problem of L2-optimal triangulation from three views.

3-view triangulation

  1. Martin Byröd, Klas Josephson, Kalle Åström, Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation,ACCV 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 [pdf | http | code]
  2. M. Byröd, K. Josephson, and K. Åström. Improving numerical accuracy of Gröbner basis polynomial equation solver. ICCV 2007. [pdf | http]
  3. F. Lu, R. Hartley, A Fast Optimal Algorithm for L2 Triangulation, ACCV 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 [pdf | http]
  4. H. Stewénius, F. Schaffalitzky, and D. Nistér. How hard is three-view triangulation really? ICCV 2005 , volume 1, pages 686-693, Beijing China, October 2005. [pdf | http]
  • Groebner basis solver [1] (C++) [code]
  • Greobner basis solver generated using Automatic generator (Matlab) [source code]
  • Greobner basis solver generated using Automatic generator (C) [source code]