Program of the OMNIVIS Workshop

08:50 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:20
Session 1: Camera Networks
  • Wide Area Multiple Camera Calibration and Estimation of Radial Distortion
    J. Barreto, K. Daniilidis (UPenn, USA and University of Coimbra, Portugal)
  • Cinematographic Rules Applied to a Camera Network
    P. Doubek, I. Geys, T. Svoboda, L. Van Gool (ETH Zurich (Switzerland), KU Leuven (Belgium) and CTU Prague (Czech Rep.))
  • Optimal Placement of Cameras in Floorplans to Satisfy Task Requirements and Cost Constraints
    U.M. Erdem, Stan Sclaroff (Boston University, USA)
  • Towards Calibrating a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras Network
    S.N. Sinha, M. Pollefeys (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
10:20 - 10:40
Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:00
Session 2: Various Topics
  • Visual Servoing From 3D Straight Lines With Central Catadioptric Cameras
    Y. Mezouar, H.H. Abdelkater, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette (LASMEA Clermont-Ferrand and IRISA Rennes, France)
  • Diverging viewing-lines in binocular vision: A method for estimating ego motion by mounted active cameras
    A. Sugimoto, T. Ikeda (National Institute of Informatics and Chiba University, Japan)
  • Gait Volume: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Walking
    Y. Ohara, R. Sagawa, T. Echigo, Y. Yagi (Osaka University, Japan)
  • Designing mirrors for catadioptric systems that minimize image errors
    R. Swaminathan, S. Nayar, M. Grossberg (UPenn and UColumbia, USA)
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch Break (included in the Fee, lunch buffet at venue)
13:30 - 14:30
Session 3: Feature Extraction
  • Construction and detection of straight lines, distances, and circles in log-polar images
    K. Schindler (Technical University Graz, Austria)
  • Scale-Space Features in 1D Omnidirectional Images
    A. Briggs, C. Detweiler, P. Mullen, D. Scharstein (Middlebury College, USA)
  • Non-linear voting in the space variant Hough transform
    N. Barnes (National ICT, Australia)
14:30 - 14:50
Coffee Break
14:50 - 16:10
Session 4: Projection Models, Calibration, Structure and Motion Estimation
  • Cylindrical Sensor Calibration using Lines
    L. Smadja, R. Benosman, J. Devars (LISIF, Paris, France)
  • Unifying Image Plane Liftings for Central Catadioptric and Dioptric Systems
    J. Barreto, K. Daniilidis (UPenn, USA and University of Coimbra, Portugal)
  • Euclid meets Fourier: Applying harmonic analysis to essential matrix estimation in omnidirectional cameras
    C. Geyer, S. Sastry (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • A generic structure-from-motion algorithm for cross-camera scenarios
    S. Ramalingam, S.K. Lodha, P. Sturm (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and INRIA, France)
16:10 - ...
Open Discussion