$Id: changes.txt,v 2.2 2005/05/24 09:15:31 svoboda Exp $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% List of the most significant changes since the last public release from 30th July 2003 - The RANSAC validation was rewritten as m-functions. Hence, no re-compilation of the c-codes is necessary. The user can switch between the mex- and m- version of the RANSAC by specifying the path in gocal.m addpath ../RansacM; % ./Ransac for mex functions The m-version can be slow for highly noisy data. The m-version of the RANSAC uses the 8-point algorithm not the 7-point algorithm as the c-version. It is then less optimal. I was just too lazy to rewrite the more complicated 7-point algorithm. I did many experiments, the 8-point algorithm did well in all cases. - gocal.m ... code cleaned, output better formatted (new function dispcamstats) - local alignments ... code cleaned, redundant I/O parameters (possible source of errors) removed - getpoint.m ... code cleaned, made a bit faster. Made compatible with the newest image processing toolbox, ver>5 - showpoints.m ... it possible to switch between single images and image mosaics. The image mosaics may sometimes speed-up the debugging process when something goes wrong with the point detection. - The standard Matlab function quiver was copied to the BlueCCal distribution since it has problems in the newest Matlab ver>7. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% List of changes against to the last public release from 18th July 2003: Fixed Bugs in Code: - radial distorion ... proper handling of images with resolution different than 640x480 Functionality: - support for non-color images added. You may either specify config.imgs.LEDcolor='intensity' and the color images will be converted to a grayscale or the GETPOINT detects that the image is only grayscale and it will be handled as such - main cycle in GOCAL. Some upgrade to make it more robust. I am testing the upgrades on all datasets I have. It should be backward compatible. Typically, new bad data discovers a small functionality-bug in the main iterative cycle.