Czech version

Počítačové vidění a virtuální realita - Computer Vision and Virtual Reality

Course 33PVR, E33PVR
Labs are tought by V. Smutný, M. Bujňák,

List of the students, working groups, gained points

Crediting points for laboratory activities

The exam takes into account points gained for laboratory activities according to the following rules. Each activity has a maximal number of points. Lower quality of the work causes less points gained.
  • Specification - 5 points, late delivery means subtracting 2 points.
  • Report quality - 12 points, late delivery means subtracting 5 points.
  • Implementation, quality of solution - 15 points.
  • Presentation - 8 points, late delivery means subtracting 5 points.
  • Scenario

    Other students work in groups of two. The laboratories are practical and the task is to study the problem, write down and defend the specification, design and implement solution, write down and defend report, and finally make a presentation for other students. Teachers may be consulted during lab hours or anytime during prereserved time.

    Task definition - Measure distance between two points in the space using photogrametrical methods

    Imagine that you are willing to measure distance between two points in the space. In your case, the task is to measure distance between two tips on gablets of the sant Ignac church. If you liked more difficult task, then you would measure difference in altitude of the tips. For more difficult task, you can assume that "horizontal" cornicees of the church are exactly "horizontal".

    You will take pictures of the church on your own. You can use any count of images, but you are limited to at best 4mpx images. For this purpose it is possible to rent a Cannon G2 in room G205. Please ask Radka Kopecka phone 7669 for the details. Result of your work will be application which is capable to measure distance between two 2D points defined in the images.
    Sub tasks:
  • caputre the object,
  • design calibration procedure and algorithms,
  • implement algorithms,
  • describe the conditions under which your algorithm works well,
  • perform experiments and evaluate results,
  • propose possible improvements and the future work.

  • Detailed description here.

    Following systems and tools are available for solving the task:

  • Matlab,
  • Matlab Image Processing Toolbox.

  • We recommend using Matlab 7.0, because Matlab 6.5 is not very stable.

    Useful may be also information in following directories


    Here is a list of Matlab commands to start:
    system_dependent RemoteCWDPolicy Reload;
    system_dependent RemotePathPolicy Reload;

    Laboratory time schedule

    1st week
    Project definition and presentation of available equipment.
    2nd to 5th week
    Consultations, independent work of students.
    6th week
    Presentation of the Project specification to teachers. The individual meetings with teachers have to be prearranged by e-mail.
    7th to 12th week
    Consultations, independent work of students.
    13th week
    Presentation of the Project final report to teachers. The individual meetings with teachers have to be prearranged by e-mail.
    14th week
    Presentation of the project to other students on the common seminar.

    Project specification and report outline

    Specification describes performed experiments, proposes the method how to solve the project aim, and describes expected performance of the final system. It also describes the conditions under which the system works.
    1. Project definition,
    2. performed experiments and deduced observations,
    3. solution proposal,
    4. conditions under which the system works,
    5. expected performance (here mainly accuracy).

    Final report outline

    Final report describes the problem solution including:
    1. original specification,
    2. description of the solution,
    3. conditions under which the system works,
    4. evaluation of the system performance, actual technical parameters and how they were determined,
    5. proposal how to improve the solution if longer time and more resources would be available.
    Both the specification and the final report is presented in printed form. The report has to satisfy common requirements for technical papers, i.e., style, grammar, typography (especially for mathematical formulas), structure, quality of drawings.

    Final presentation

    The final presentation is important condition for gaining credits. Delivery of the final report and practical demonstration of the solution have to preceed the presentation.
    Each group of students explains the principles of solution and achieved results to the others in about 5-10 minutes, which is really a short time. The talk will be accompanied by computer presentation (HTML, PDF, PowerPoint). Data projector and notebook will be available. Audience is expected to raise sneaky questions.

    Requirements for succesfull passing the laboratories

    Deliverables have to follow this order:
    1. The project specification was delivered to the teacher and succesfully defended.
    2. The final report was delivered (printed).
    3. The working system was presented to the teacher.
    4. Both the report and the system were successfully defended.
    5. The results were presented at the final seminar.


    Vladimír Smutný can be found in the room G10A, phone 7280 e-mail
    Martin Bujňák can be found in the room G103, phone 5732, e-mail

    Vladimir Smutny
    Last modified: Tue Apr 3 8:27:38 CEST 2006