3-D Reconstruction Data

The reconstructed 3-D points are available as Matlab® 4.2c binary datafiles (mat-files). No connectivity among the points is represented.

Each datafile consists of a list of partial reconstructions registered in the same room global coordinate frame F3 for a given partial scan (a - h). One item in a list represents one reconstruction (0 - 4) in the scan, see The Mapping between Coordinate Systems. To access the lists, we provide a Matlab®function litem.

A partial reconstruction comprises a vector of reconstructed 3D points [x,y,z] and a vector of colors [r,g,b], one color entry per 3-D point. Please note that the reconstruction for any given view is available in just one partial scan and is not repeated in other scans. For instance, the view 1 in scan c is not present in any of the d, g, h datasets in both the Segment A and C. See the table below for what views are covered in which scan (in parentheses).

Example: scanAa.mat

>> load scanAa
>> whos
 Name        Size       Elements     Bytes    Density   Complex

 CAa   78347 by 4        313388   2507104       Full      No 
 XAa   78347 by 4        313388   2507104       Full      No 

>> X1 = litem(XAa,1);
>> C1 = litem(CAa,1);
>> size(X1)

ans =

           3       25385

>> size(C1)

ans =

           3       25385
X1, C1 represents 25385 spatial colored points in view 0 of scan a in segment A. See the scan-plan.

Please shift-click on a link to download a binary mat-file (gnu-zipped, typically 2MB)
Partial Scan
Segment A a (0 - 3) b (1 - 2) c (1 - 3) d (2 - 4) e (2 - 3) f (1 - 2) g (2 - 3) h (3 - 4)
Segment B a b c d
Segment C a (0 - 3) b (1 - 2) c (1 - 3) d (2 - 4) e (2 - 3) f (1 - 2) g (2 - 3) h (3 - 4)
Segment D a b c d

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Radim Sara
Last modified: Mon Mar 16 15:02:56 MET 1998