PennOffice: Results

Reconstruction Demo Files

The datasets (OpenInventor files) are huuuge (about 10MB per scans "a" and about 5MB per scans "b" thru "h"), so everything is gnu-zipped.

If you are lost, here is a scan-plan.

Please shift-click on a link to download a file
Partial Scan
Segment A a b c d e f g h subsampled segment A (1 MB)
Segment B a b c d
Segment C a b c d e f g h subsampled segment C (1 MB)
Segment D a b c d

If you want full-density reconstruction, download all the partial scans in all segments and concatenate the files (no additional coordinate transformation is necessary):

cat scan??.iv > reconstruction.iv

To view the data, you need ivview, for instance. Type

/usr/sbin/ivview reconstruction.iv &

on your SiliconGraphics workstation. It takes several minutes to load.

The number of partial scans varies in different segments. All reconstructions are registered in the same global coordinate system (z-axis oriented towards the observer, x-axis runs horizontally, y-axis vertically).

Each file has the following structure:

#Inventor V2.0 ascii
# author: point2iv for radim
# 2 points of XYZ
Separator {
	renderCaching	OFF
	Scale {
		scaleFactor	0.1 0.1 0.1
	ShapeHints {
		creaseAngle	3.13845
	Material {
		ambientColor	0 0 0
		diffuseColor	1 1 1
	Coordinate3 { point [-327.261 416.237 -363.116] }
	BaseColor { rgb 0.070 0.091 0.105 }
	PointSet { }
	Coordinate3 { point [-872.704 612.586 -357.894] }
	BaseColor { rgb 0.268 0.284 0.242 }
	PointSet { }


If there is a more efficient way of representing a set of colored points in OpenInventor, please let me know, I am really ignorant about OpenInventor and I'll be glad to learn something!

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Radim Sara
Last modified: Sat Nov 8 10:55:11 MET 1997