Miscellaneous functions for STPRtoolbox.

 adaboost     - AdaBoost algorithm.
 adaclass     - AdaBoost classifier.
 cerror       - Computes classification error.  
 crossval     - Partions data for cross-validation.
 knnclass     - k-Nearest Neighbours classifier.
 knnrule      - Creates K-nearest neighbours classifier.
 roc          - Computes Receiver Operator Characteristic. 
 sectohms     - Converts seconds to HOUR:MIN:SEC format.
 weaklearner  - Produce classifier thresholding single feature.

 About: Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox
 (C) 1999-2004, Written by Vojtech Franc and Vaclav Hlavac
 Czech Technical University Prague
 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
 Center for Machine Perception

 02-jul-2007, VF
 25-aug-2004, VF
 11-jun-2004, VF
 13-Feb-2003, VF