K-means clustering algorithm.

  [model,y] = cmeans(X,num_centers)
  [model,y] = cmeans(X,num_centers,Init_centers)

  [model,y] = cmeans(X,num_centers) runs C-means clustering 
   where inital centers are randomly selected from the 
   input vectors X. The output are found centers stored in 
   structure model.
  [model,y] = cmeans(X,num_centers,Init_centers) uses
   init_centers as the starting point.

  X [dim x num_data] Input vectors.
  num_centers [1x1] Number of centers.
  Init_centers [1x1] Starting point of the algorithm.
  model [struct] Found clustering:
   .X [dim x num_centers] Found centers.

   .y [1 x num_centers] Implicitly added labels 1..num_centers.
   .t [1x1] Number of iterations.
   .MsErr [1xt] Mean-Square error at each iteration.

  y [1 x num_data] Labels assigned to data according to 
   the nearest center.

  data = load('riply_trn');
  [model,data.y] = cmeans( data.X, 4 );
  figure; ppatterns(data); 
  ppatterns(model,12); pboundary( model );

 See also

Source: cmeans.m

(c) Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, (C) 1999-2003,
Written by Vojtech Franc and Vaclav Hlavac,
Czech Technical University Prague,
Faculty of Electrical engineering,
Center for Machine Perception

18-dec-2008, VF, fix: Init_centers argument used as the initial solution
17-jun-2007, VF, renamed from kmeans to cmeans to avoid conflicts with stats toolbox
12-may-2004, VF