ECCV 2004: Call for Papers

European Conference on Computer Vision

Prague, Czech Republic
May 11-14, 2004

ECCV 2004 - the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision will be held is a neo-renaissance palace on the island in the heart of Prague.

ECCV is a selective single-track conference on computer vision comprising the highest quality, previously unpublished, papers. Contributions are sought on new and original research on any aspect of computer vision including the following topics:

Illumination and Reflectance Modelling

Image-based Modelling
Image Formation, Acquisition Devices and Sensors Matching, Correspondence and Flow
Low-level Vision, Image Features and Detectors Object Recognition, Retrieval and Indexing
Segmentation and Grouping Visual Learning and Cognitive Vision
Texture Active and Robot Vision
Tracking and Motion Biologically-inspired Vision
Video Analysis and Event Recognition Vision Systems Engineering & Evaluation
Multiple View Geometry Industrial and Medical Applications
3D Reconstruction and Shape (from X)

In submitting their manuscript to ECCV 2004, authors acknowledge that no paper of substantially similar content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop during the ECCV 2004 review period. Each paper will receive 3 double blind reviews, which will then be moderated by a committee of area chairs. For further information regarding submission of papers please visit the ECCV 2004 homepage.

In addition to the main scientific program, the conferece will include Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, and Industrial Exhibitions. Tutorials will provide clear introduction, advanced explanations, and consise synthesis of topical subjects. Workshops will provide a forum to present latest results in detail to specialised communities.Please submit proposals for Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, and Exhibitions to the appropriate chair. See deadlines below.

Important  Dates & Deadlines

Sep  1 2003 Deadline for workshop proposals May 10 2004 Tutorials
Oct   1 2003 Selection of workshops May 11-14 2004 Conference
Oct   6 2003

Deadline for paper submission

May 15-16 2004 Workshops
Dec 15 2003 Deadline for tutorial proposals
Jan  15 2004 Selection of tutorials
Jan  19 2004 Notification to authors
Feb  9 2004 Deadline for camera-ready manuscripts

Programme Comittee

General Chair

Vaclav Hlavac

Programme Chairs

Tomas Pajdla, Jiri (George) Matas

Workshops, Tutorials  Radim Sara
Demonstrations, Exhibitions Vladimir Smutny
Local Arrangements Eva Matyskova

More information about the events can be found at ECCV 2004 web site and in the files listed below.

Printable Announcement

Printable Poster

Sponsors & Exhibitors Info

Workshop Proposal Guidelines