Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <termios.h>
00002 #include <signal.h>
00003 #include <math.h>
00004 #include <stdio.h>
00005 #include <stdlib.h>
00006 #include <ros/ros.h>
00007 #include "virtual_camera/VirtualCameraParameters.h"
00009 #define KEYCODE_A 0x61
00010 #define KEYCODE_D 0x64
00011 #define KEYCODE_S 0x73
00012 #define KEYCODE_W 0x77 
00013 #define KEYCODE_Q 0x71
00014 #define KEYCODE_E 0x65
00015 #define KEYCODE_X 0x78
00016 #define KEYCODE_C 0x63
00017 #define KEYCODE_V 0x76
00018 #define KEYCODE_B 0x62
00019 #define KEYCODE_R 0x72
00020 #define KEYCODE_F 0x66
00021 #define KEYCODE_M 0x6D
00022 #define KEYCODE_K 0x6B
00023 #define KEYCODE_1 0x31
00024 #define KEYCODE_2 0x32
00025 #define KEYCODE_3 0x33
00026 #define KEYCODE_4 0x34
00027 #define KEYCODE_5 0x35
00028 #define KEYCODE_6 0x36
00030 #define KEYCODE_A_CAP 0x41
00031 #define KEYCODE_D_CAP 0x44
00032 #define KEYCODE_S_CAP 0x53
00033 #define KEYCODE_W_CAP 0x57
00034 #define KEYCODE_Q_CAP 0x51
00035 #define KEYCODE_E_CAP 0x45
00036 #define KEYCODE_R_CAP 0x52
00037 #define KEYCODE_F_CAP 0x46
00039 #define KEYCODE_SPACE 0x20
00041 #define MOVE_STEP 0.2
00042 #define APPROX_DIST_STEP 0.2
00043 #define PAN_STEP 5
00044 #define TILT_STEP 5
00045 #define ZOOM_H_STEP 4 
00046 #define ZOOM_V_STEP 3
00047 #define MOVE_STEP_FAST 2
00048 #define PAN_STEP_FAST 20
00049 #define TILT_STEP_FAST 20
00050 #define ZOOM_H_STEP_FAST 16
00051 #define ZOOM_V_STEP_FAST 12
00052 #define APPROX_DIST_STEP_FAST 1
00060 // Source: Adapted from
00064 const int NUM_MODELS = 3;
00065 std::string models[NUM_MODELS] = {"pinhole", "cylindric", "spherical"};
00066 void (*resolutionHandlers[NUM_MODELS])();
00067 int model = 0;
00068 std::string origModel;
00073 int32_t viewportWidth = 320, viewportHeight = 240;
00074 double pan = 0, tilt = 0, horizontalFov = 60, verticalFov = 45;
00075 double origPan, origTilt, origHorizontalFov, origVerticalFov, origX, origY, origZ,
00076                 origApproxDistance, origWidth, origHeight, origSynchronize;
00077 double pX = 0, pY = 0, pZ = 0;
00078 int synchronize = 0;
00079 double approxDistance = 3;
00080 double frameRate;
00086 int quality = 4;
00088 int kfd = 0;
00089 double zoom = 1.0;
00090 struct termios cooked, raw;
00091 ros::Publisher pub;
00092 std::string parentFrameId, encoding, name, pubTopic;
00099 void pinholeResolutions() {
00100         viewportWidth = 160*quality;
00101         viewportHeight = 120*quality;
00102 }
00104 void sphericalResolutions() {
00105         viewportWidth = 200*quality;
00106         viewportHeight = 100*quality;
00107 }
00109 void cylindricResolutions() {
00110         double k = 360./horizontalFov;
00111         if (k>12) k = 12;
00112         viewportHeight = std::floor(std::sqrt(20000/k)*quality);
00113         viewportWidth = std::floor(k*viewportHeight);
00114 }
00120 void updateResolutions() {
00121         (*(resolutionHandlers[model]))();
00122 }
00125 void quit(int sig)
00126 {
00127         tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &cooked);
00128         exit(0);
00129 }
00131 void setOriginalValues() {
00132         pan = origPan;
00133         tilt = origTilt;
00134         horizontalFov = origHorizontalFov;
00135         verticalFov = origVerticalFov;
00136         pX = origX;
00137         pY = origY;
00138         pZ = origZ;
00139         approxDistance = origApproxDistance;
00140         viewportWidth = origWidth;
00141         viewportHeight = origHeight;
00142         synchronize = origSynchronize;
00143         if (origModel == "cylindric") {
00144                 model = 1;
00145         } else if (origModel == "spherical") {
00146                 model = 2;
00147         } else {
00148                 model = 0;
00149         }
00151 }
00153 void keyboardLoop()
00154 {
00155         char c;
00156         bool do_nothing = true;
00158         // get the console in raw mode
00159         tcgetattr(kfd, &cooked);
00160         memcpy(&raw, &cooked, sizeof(struct termios));
00161         raw.c_lflag &=~ (ICANON | ECHO);
00162         // Setting a new line, then end of file
00163         raw.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;
00164         raw.c_cc[VEOF] = 2;
00165         tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &raw);
00167         ROS_INFO("Reading from keyboard");
00168         ROS_INFO("---------------------");
00169         ROS_INFO("a,d - pan");
00170         ROS_INFO("w,s - tilt");
00171         ROS_INFO("q,e - zoom");
00172         ROS_INFO("r,f - change distance");
00173         ROS_INFO("1,2 - move X");
00174         ROS_INFO("3,4 - move Y");
00175         ROS_INFO("5,6 - move Z");
00176         ROS_INFO("any of above with Shift - faster");
00177         ROS_INFO("Space - reset to the default position");
00178         ROS_INFO("x,c,v,b - resolution (x=ultra-low, c=low, v=medium, b=high)");
00179         ROS_INFO("m - cycle through the camera models");
00180         ROS_INFO("k - turn synchronization on/off");
00182         while(true)     {
00183                 // get the next event from the keyboard
00184                 if(read(kfd, &c, 1) < 0)
00185                 {
00186                         perror("read():");
00187                         exit(-1);
00188                 }
00190                 do_nothing = false;
00192                 switch(c)
00193                 {
00194                         case KEYCODE_W:
00195                                 tilt += TILT_STEP;
00196                                 break;
00197                         case KEYCODE_S:
00198                                 tilt -= TILT_STEP;
00199                                 break;
00200                         case KEYCODE_A:
00201                                 pan += PAN_STEP;
00202                                 break;
00203                         case KEYCODE_D:
00204                                 pan -= PAN_STEP;
00205                                 break;
00206                         case KEYCODE_Q:
00207                                 horizontalFov += ZOOM_H_STEP;
00208                                 verticalFov += ZOOM_V_STEP;
00209                                 updateResolutions();
00210                                 break;
00211                         case KEYCODE_E:
00212                                 horizontalFov -= ZOOM_H_STEP;
00213                                 verticalFov -= ZOOM_V_STEP;
00214                                 updateResolutions();
00215                                 break;
00216                         case KEYCODE_X:
00217                                 quality = 1;
00218                                 updateResolutions();
00219                                 break;
00220                         case KEYCODE_C:
00221                                 quality = 2;
00222                                 updateResolutions();
00223                                 break;
00224                         case KEYCODE_V:
00225                                 quality = 4;
00226                                 updateResolutions();
00227                                 break;
00228                         case KEYCODE_B:
00229                                 quality = 5;
00230                                 updateResolutions();
00231                                 break;
00232                         case KEYCODE_M:
00233                                 ++model;
00234                                 model = model % NUM_MODELS;
00235                                 updateResolutions();
00236                                 break;
00237                         case KEYCODE_K:
00238                                 synchronize = !synchronize;
00239                                 break;
00240                         case KEYCODE_1:
00241                                 pX -= MOVE_STEP;
00242                                 break;
00243                         case KEYCODE_2:
00244                                 pX += MOVE_STEP;
00245                                 break;
00246                         case KEYCODE_3:
00247                                 pY -= MOVE_STEP;
00248                                 break;
00249                         case KEYCODE_4:
00250                                 pY += MOVE_STEP;
00251                                 break;
00252                         case KEYCODE_5:
00253                                 pZ -= MOVE_STEP;
00254                                 break;
00255                         case KEYCODE_6:
00256                                 pZ += MOVE_STEP;
00257                                 break;
00258                         case KEYCODE_R:
00259                                 approxDistance -= MOVE_STEP;
00260                                 break;
00261                         case KEYCODE_F:
00262                                 approxDistance += MOVE_STEP;
00263                                 break;
00265                                 // Fast motion 
00266                         case KEYCODE_W_CAP:
00267                                 tilt += TILT_STEP_FAST;
00268                                 break;
00269                         case KEYCODE_S_CAP:
00270                                 tilt -= TILT_STEP_FAST;
00271                                 break;
00272                         case KEYCODE_A_CAP:
00273                                 pan += PAN_STEP_FAST;
00274                                 break;
00275                         case KEYCODE_D_CAP:
00276                                 pan -= PAN_STEP_FAST;
00277                                 break;
00278                         case KEYCODE_Q_CAP:
00279                                 horizontalFov += ZOOM_H_STEP_FAST;
00280                                 verticalFov += ZOOM_V_STEP_FAST;
00281                                 updateResolutions();
00282                                 break;
00283                         case KEYCODE_E_CAP:
00284                                 horizontalFov -= ZOOM_H_STEP_FAST;
00285                                 verticalFov -= ZOOM_V_STEP_FAST;
00286                                 updateResolutions();
00287                                 break;
00288                         case KEYCODE_R_CAP:
00289                                 approxDistance -= MOVE_STEP_FAST;
00290                                 break;
00291                         case KEYCODE_F_CAP:
00292                                 approxDistance += MOVE_STEP_FAST;
00293                                 break;
00295                         case KEYCODE_SPACE:
00296                                 setOriginalValues();
00297                                 break;
00299                         default:
00300                                 do_nothing = true;
00301                                 break;
00302                 }
00304                 if(!do_nothing) {
00306                         pan = (double) ((int) (pan < 0 ? 360+pan : pan) % 360);
00307                         tilt = (double) ((int) (tilt < 0 ? 360+tilt : tilt) % 360);
00309                         if(horizontalFov < 4) horizontalFov = 4;
00310                         else if(horizontalFov > 176) horizontalFov = 176;
00312                         if(verticalFov < 3) verticalFov = 3;
00313                         else if(verticalFov > 132) verticalFov = 132;
00315                         virtual_camera::VirtualCameraParameters msg;
00316                         msg.viewportWidth = viewportWidth;
00317                         msg.viewportHeight = viewportHeight;
00318                         msg.pan = pan;
00319                         msg.tilt = tilt;
00320                         msg.horizontalFov = horizontalFov;
00321                         msg.verticalFov = verticalFov;
00323                         msg.parentFrameId = parentFrameId;
00324                         msg.approxDistance = approxDistance;
00325                         msg.posX = pX;
00326                         msg.posY = pY;
00327                         msg.posZ = pZ;
00328                         msg.frameRate = frameRate;
00329                         msg.encoding = encoding;
00330                         msg.model = models[model];
00331                         msg.synchronize = synchronize;
00332                         pub.publish(msg);
00334                         ROS_INFO("*** keyboard_teleop: Sent new camera parameters ***");
00335                         ROS_INFO("viewportWidth=%i viewportHeight=%i", viewportWidth, viewportHeight);
00336                         ROS_INFO("pan=%f tilt=%f", pan, tilt);
00337                         ROS_INFO("frame: %s, X: %.3f, Y: %.3f, Z: %.3f", parentFrameId.c_str(), pX, pY, pZ);
00338                         ROS_INFO("Approx. distance: %.3f", approxDistance);
00339                         ROS_INFO("horizontalFov=%f verticalFov=%f", horizontalFov, verticalFov);
00340                         ROS_INFO("synchronization: %s", synchronize ? "on" : "off");
00341                         ROS_INFO("Model: %s", models[model].c_str());
00343                         ros::spinOnce();
00344                 }
00345         }
00346 }
00349 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00350 {
00351         ros::init(argc, argv, "keyboard_teleop");
00352         ros::NodeHandle n("~");
00354         n.getParam("virtualCameraTopic", pubTopic);
00355         n.getParam("approxDistance", origApproxDistance);
00356         n.getParam("viewportWidth", origWidth);
00357         n.getParam("viewportHeight", origHeight);
00358         n.getParam("parentFrameId", parentFrameId);
00359         n.getParam("posX", origX);
00360         n.getParam("posY", origY);
00361         n.getParam("posZ", origZ);
00362         n.getParam("tilt", origTilt);
00363         n.getParam("pan", origPan);
00364         n.getParam("horizontalFov", origHorizontalFov);
00365         n.getParam("verticalFov", origVerticalFov);
00366         n.getParam("encoding", encoding);
00367         n.getParam("frameRate", frameRate);
00368         n.getParam("model", origModel);
00369         n.getParam("synchronize", origSynchronize);
00371         resolutionHandlers[0] = pinholeResolutions;
00372         resolutionHandlers[1] = cylindricResolutions;
00373         resolutionHandlers[2] = sphericalResolutions;
00376         setOriginalValues();
00377         pub = n.advertise<virtual_camera::VirtualCameraParameters>(n.resolveName("/"+ pubTopic + "/input_params"), 1000);
00378         signal(SIGINT, quit);
00379         keyboardLoop();
00380         return(0);
00381 }
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Author(s): Jan Brabec; maintained by Tomas Petricek / petrito1@cmp.felk.cvut
autogenerated on Tue Dec 10 2013 14:58:11