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Dataset details

The dataset Lung TIME consists of two parts. First part (TIME1) contains data of adolescent patients from the Faculty Hospital in Motol, Prague, Czech Republic with 148 scans, slice thickness 5mm, slice spacing 1mm and transversal resolution 0.58mm standard deviation 0.06. This dataset has large slice overlap and even the smallest nodules are visible in more than one slice. The second dataset (TIME2) of adult patients (9 scans) was acquired with slice thickness 5mm, slice spacing 5mm and transversal resolution 0.71mm standard deviation 0.05mm also in the Motol hospital. Three dimensional data are saved slice by slice in DICOM 3.0 format.

DatasetScansSlicesNodulesSlice thicknessSlice spacing

The nodules are marked by the experienced radiologist by single point near the center of gravity in each slice containing even a small part of a nodule. The annotations are supplied in the xml format and are compatible with LIDC annotations.

You can find more information about dataset here.