Martin Pecka

Mgr. Martin Pecka, Ph.D.


Public talks

DARPA Subterranean Challenge


Score in student's evaluation for Summer Semester 23/24:

Score 1.07 (14 ratings)
Summer semester 2024/25
B3M33ARO1 - Autonomous Robotics (labs)
Summer semester 2023/24
B3M33ARO1 - Autonomous Robotics (labs)
Summer semester 2021/22
B3B33KUI - AI and Cybernetics (labs)
Winter semester 2020/21
B4B33ALG - Algorithmization (labs)
Winter semester 2017/18
B4B33RPH - Problem solving and games (labs)
Winter semester 2016/17
B4B33RPH - Problem solving and games (labs)
Summer semester 2015/16
A3M33IRO - Intelligent Robotics (labs) (data and result sheets)
Winter semester 2015/16
A4B99RPH - Problem solving and games (labs)
Summer semester 2014/15
A3M33IRO - Intelligent Robotics (labs)
Winter semester 2014/15
A4B99RPH - Problem solving and games (labs)
Summer semester 2013/14
A3M33IRO - Intelligent Robotics (labs)
Winter semester 2013/14
AE4B99RPH - Problem solving and games (labs)
+ Show older

Research topics

Reinforcement learning
Safe exploration of state space in real-world robotics
Simulation for robotics
Tracked robot simulation in Gazebo.

Gazebo simulation
ROS (Robot Operating System) expert
If you have any questions about ROS 1, come and talk with me

Open-source Software I Maintain

Robot Body Filter
A versatile ROS filter for removing points on a moving robot body from depth and laser scans
A tool for making the output of nvidia-smi more convenient and useful (matches usernames, CPU and RAM usage to GPU processes)
More Snooze
A Thunderbird and Lightning addon which allows to customize the snooze times menu when snoozing calendar event alarms.
Movie Publisher
This package contains several tools for using movie files in ROS (playback, conversion to bag files, extracting metadata etc.).
I support ROS development!
OSRA Supporting Member


System for multi-robotic exploration of underground environments CTU-CRAS-NORLAB in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge
Rouček, Tomáš and Pecka, Martin and Čížek, Petr and Petříček, Tomáš and Bayer, Jan and Šalanský, Vojtěch and Azayev, Teymur and Heřt, Daniel and Petrlík, Matěj and Báča, Tomáš and Spurný, Vojtěch and Krátký, Vít and Petráček, Pavel and Baril, Dominic and Vaidis, Maxime and Kubelka, Vladimír and Pomerleau, François and Faigl, Jan and Zimmermann, Karel and Saska, Martin and Svoboda, Tomáš and Krajník, Tomáš
Field Robotics, 2, 1779–1818. DOI 10.55417/fr.2022055.
Ph.D. thesis - Safe Autonomous Reinforcement Learning
Defended on 16 Feb 2021 (recording of the defense seminar)
Data-driven Policy Transfer with Imprecise Perception Simulation (video, webpage)
Pecka, Martin and Zimmermann, Karel and Petrlik, Matej and Svoboda, Tomas.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018, 3(4), 3916-3921. ISSN 2377-3766. (IEEE Xplore)
Fast Simulation of Vehicles with Non-deformable Tracks (video, webpage)
Pecka, Martin and Zimmermann, Karel and Svoboda, Tomas.
In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (IEEE Xplore)
Autonomous Flipper Control with Safety Constraints (video)
Pecka, Martin and Šalanský, Vojtěch and Zimmermann, Karel and Svoboda, Tomas.
In 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (IEEE Xplore)
Controlling Robot Morphology from Incomplete Measurements (video)
Pecka, Martin and Zimmermann, Karel and Reinstein, Michal and Svoboda, Tomas.
In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, accepted May 2016 (IEEE Xplore)
Safe Exploration for Reinforcement Learning in Real Unstructured Environments
Pecka, Martin and Zimmermann, Karel and Svoboda, Tomas
CVWW '15: Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop
Safe Exploration Techniques for Reinforcement Learning — An Overview
Pecka, Martin and Svoboda, Tomas
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014, Springer

FEE software you should know about

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