CMP events

MSc defense rehearsals

On 2014-05-29 13:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
In this seminar, students from CMP will rehearse their defense presentations.
Each presenter has 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for feedback. It
is assumed that majority of presentations will be held in Czech. Please come to
the presentations as an audience, you will help our students improve their

Programme (the name of supervisor shown in parentheses):

13:00 Tomas Nouza (M. Reinstein): Safe Adaptive Traversability Learning For
Mobile Robots.

13:20 Jakub Kakona (M. Matousek): Fast Multi-channel Data Acquisition System
Radio-astronomy Receiver.

13:40 Jan Kubes (V. Smutny): 6-axis Force-Torque Sensor Uses for Control of
Industrial Robot.

14:00 Lukas Koucky (V. Smutny): Visibility of Triangulated Surface Illuminated
by Flat Light Panel.

14:20 Milan Sulc (J. Matas): Tree Identification from Images.

14:40 Tomas Buzek (J. Matas): Advanced Voice-controlled Video Recorder.

15:00 Iva Latnerova (J. Kybic): Reduction of False Positives in Lung Nodule
Detection Algorithm.