Center for Machine Perception (CMP) is a virtual research center at the Czech Technical University in Prague. CMP has been an informal body headed by Václav Hlaváč since its foundation in 1996.
CMP comprises scientists sharing common interests in computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, and autonomous robotics from the following groups
At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics
- Biomedical imaging algorithms (head Jan Kybic)
- Machine learning (head Boris Flach)
- Vision for robotics and autonomous systems (head Tomáš Svoboda)
- Visual recognition (head Jiří Matas)
At the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Robotics and Machine Perception Department
- Applied algebra and geometry (head Tomáš Pajdla, also Josef Šivic)
- Robot perception (head Václav Hlaváč)
Larger projects related to CMP
- Project IMPACT (responsible investigator Josef Šivic at CIIRC)
The mission of CMP is to provide and develop a stimulating and open research environment for groups and scientists sharing common interests. CMP facilitates scientific collaboration and joint research projects, pursues ambitious common scientific objectives. CMP helps to educate and promote young scientists and their research. CMP is committed to the principles of academic freedom and follows the rules of good scientific practice.
CMP activities include:
- Common scientific seminars, workshops, and colloquia
- Active contributions to Ph.D. education
- Shared infrastructure (computing resources, labs)
- Shared CMP library located at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics, Karlovo náměstí campus
- Co-organization of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop
CMP is steered by the board. The CMP board decides about the membership, policies, and services. The CMP board appoints a head. CMP services are supported by thin administrative support, the CMP secretariat.