CMP events

Fusion of heterogeneous data for better positioning of visually impaired pedestrians

On 2011-10-27 11:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
Jiri Borovec is a new PhD student supervised by Jan Kybic. He will work
on registration and segmentation of 2D and 3D microscopy
images. In this presentation he will talk about his master thesis work which he
did in IRIT ( in France.

This thesis deals with outdoor localisation of blind pedestrian mostly
in urban areas. The main point is to determine position based on the
data fusion from heterogeneous modules such as GPS module,
stereo-vision and orientation sensors. For the fusion of positions
Kalman and particle filters are used. We will also speak about
some of the pre-processing steps - basic filtering of input data from sensors
and other modules, computing orientation errors and positions
shifting. A part of the talk is devoted to the data fusion module, its
architectural design, data flows, and its implementation. At the end we will
show the final pedestrian localisation results and its accuracy