CMP events

P. Benes, Z. Sika, M. Valasek presents Calibration Methods of Spatial Robots

On 2012-10-02 09:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
The seminar deals with the methods of calibration of geometrical parameters of
the spatial robots. The calibration model is firstly introduced and the quality
of calibration discussed. The calibrability is introduced as a mechanism
property describing the sensitivity of calibrating dimension accuracy and
end-effector positioning accuracy with respect to the accuracy of sensor
measurements. The calibrability should be optimized taken into account the
constraints of possible calibration artifacts. The number and positioning of
calibration points should be optimized. The optimization leads to the
minimization of the error transfer from sensors to end-effector and
to the improvement of the final accuracy of the robot operations. The possible
artifacts /tools are discussed including the possibility of usage of the
redundant parallel calibrating and measuring machine RedCaM.