| 29/08/17 | A Scalable Hierarchical Distributed Language ModelA. Mnih and G. Hinton, NIPS 2009Presented by Vít Listík |
 | 04/08/17 | Local Features, All Grown UpA. Vedaldi and S. Soatto, CVPR 2006Presented by Arun Mukundan |
 | 01/12/16 | Copulas, characterization, correlation, and counterexamplesR. Nelsen, Mathematics Magazine 1995Presented by Michal Dibala |
 | 01/12/16 | Data-Efficient Generalization of Robot Skills with Contextual Policy SearchA. Kupcsik, D. Gabor, P. Marc, J. Peters, G. Neumann, and others, AAAI 2013Presented by Vojtěch Šalanský |
 | 25/02/16 | Super-Resolution Without Explicit Subpixel Motion EstimationH. Takeda, P. Milanfar, M. Protter, M. Elad, IEEE Transations on Image Processing 2009Presented by Michal Polic |
 | 14/05/13 | Multiple Object Tracking using K-Shortest Paths OptimizationJ. Berclaz and F. Fleuret and E. Turetken and P. Fua, PAMI 2011Presented by Tomáš Sixta |
 | 03/07/12 | A variational framework for integrating segmentation and registration through active contoursA. Yezzi, L. Zollei and T. Kapur, Medical Image Analysis 2003Presented by Jiří Borovec |
 | 26/06/12 | Normalized cuts and image segmentationJ. Shi and J. Malik, PAMI 2000Presented by Martin Bresler |
 | 24/11/11 | New Algorithms for 2D and 3D Point Matching: Pose Estimation and CorrespondenceS. Gold, C. Lu, A. Rangarajan, S. Pappu, and E. Mjolsness, NIPS 1995.Presented by Miguel Amável Pinheiro |
 | 23/08/11 | TextonBoost for Image UnderstandingJ. Shotton, J. Winn, C. Rother and A. Criminisi, IJCV 2009.Presented by Jan Mačák |
 | 01/07/11 | Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human DetectionN. Dalal and B. Triggs, CVPR 2005.Presented by Tomáš Petříček |
 | 12/08/10 | A branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal calibration of a camera-and-rotation-sensor system Y. Seo, Y. Choi, and S. Lee, CVPR 2009.Presented by Thomas Ruland |
 | 18/02/10 | Simultaneous Robot-World and Hand-Eye Calibration F. Dornaika, R. Horaud, IEEE transactions on Robotics and Automation 1998. |
 | 10/12/09 | The Markov Chain Monte Carlo Revolution P. Diaconis, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2009.Presented by Jeannine Gabriels |
 | 10/12/09 | Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points B. Frey and D. Dueck, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2007.Presented by Vojtech Franc |
 | 18/12/08 | Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images C. Tomasi and R. Manduch ICCV 2011.Presented by Jan Heller |
 | 03/07/08 | Active Appearance ModelsT. Cootes, G. Edwards, and C. Taylor, PAMI 2001.Presented by David Hurych |
 | 20/12/07 | Interactive Graph Cuts for Optimal Boundary and Region Segmentation of Objects in N-D ImagesY. Boykov and M. Jolly, ICCV 2011.Presented by Simon Marcelis |
 | 22/05/07 | Maximum Margin ClusteringL. Xu, J. Neufeld, B. Larson and D. Schuurmans, NIPS 2004.Presented by Alexander Shekhovtsov |