How did you enjoy the CMP Canoe trip 2012?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
63% |
2 |
26% |
3 |
5% |
4 |
0% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
How did you like the river Morava?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
42% |
2 |
42% |
3 |
11% |
4 |
0% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
How did you like idea with diners and breakfasts?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
53% |
2 |
21% |
3 |
11% |
4 |
5% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
How did you like the Friday's camping place?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
58% |
2 |
16% |
3 |
16% |
4 |
5% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
Did you liked the Friday's dinner (schnitzel)?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
42% |
2 |
37% |
3 |
5% |
4 |
5% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
Did you like the Saturday's breakfast (potato pancakes, platter)?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
53% |
2 |
21% |
3 |
5% |
4 |
11% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
How did you like the Saturday's camping place?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
16% |
2 |
32% |
3 |
26% |
4 |
21% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
Did you like the Saturday's dinner (gulas)?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
32% |
2 |
37% |
3 |
26% |
4 |
0% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
Did you like the Sunday's breakfast (platter)?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
40% |
2 |
30% |
3 |
20% |
4 |
0% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
How would you evaluate the organisation?
Evaluation |
Percentage |
1 (Perfect) |
63% |
2 |
26% |
3 |
0% |
4 |
5% |
5 (Horrible) |
0% |
Some comments about the paddling on the river Morava?
Very nice river for CMP purposes where there are several beginners. There should be more responsibility about safety. Two young ladies who reported rather limited swimming abilities in advance. I was astonished when I saw them without swimming vests or with an untight vest. The gentleman who was with them in the boat is a daredevil. We should have also more carefully explain to participants what shoes they have to have in a boat.
Very few people. Easy. New to me, therefore interesting. Very cold, which is not good for beginners. Was good as an experiment but would not vote for a repeat "as soon as possible.
Good river, certainly worth to go there. Only the distance from Prague is a negative.
The only bad thing about the river Morava was that the place were we started the trip was really not suitable for beginners :) And also sometimes more water would be much better. But all the rest was perfect - not many people (except for us :D), nice nature, etc.
800 meters, 1 km/hour speed (i.e. without paddling) = 48 minutes 800 meters, 5 km/hour speed (i.e. paddling) = 10 minutes the difference: 38 minutes, that is the time for one lunch.
Morava - trochu olejnatá, jinak by to šlo :) a málo sjízdných jezů
The river seems to me as a good starter because I had more experienced boat mate. Otherwise it would have been little bit too tough.
Hra bol tiez vyborny napad, decka to zvlast pekne pohltilo, len asi vzhladom na horuce letne pocasie, obcasnu konzumaciu alkoholu a vekove vzdelanostne rozdiely ucastnikov by to chcelo jednoduchsiu verziu
Some comments about the accomodations?
Saturday - One cannot do much about trains, really.
One had to wait much. The hygiene facilities were insufficient. I prefer to pay more for a bit more comfort.
In the end the place near the main railroad line wasn't too bad ..
Camps were OK. Certainly the best place to camp was middle camp at Ploucnice but at the expense of about 1 km from the bus, so it is a choice of everybody, what is better, whether pendolino or dragging tents from bus.
Saturday's camp was bad, mainly because of frequent trains, partly also because of insufficient bathroom/toilets
Our tent is constantly uniform. :-)
Jelikož vyšlo počasí tak ani stan nebyl potřeba.
První nocležiště, jídlo, a servis půjčovny lodí byl trochu nad moje očekávání, všechno šlo docela hladce, jen byli stížnosti na málo sociálek. Již na začátku se psalo, že se pojede do kempu ne do hotelu a nikdo nic nenamítal.
Druhé tábořiště bylo docela fajn až na ty vlaky, ale taky se to dalo. Ty toytoyky byl trochu problém."
Wasn't bad, but I really missed water in the second camping place.
I would prefer little bit more comfortable camping site, namely one with a shower and WC.
Some comments about the provided meal?
Common dinners and breakfasts were a new facets to CMP canoeing trips. It brought a new good oportunity to socialize.
Only that the improvisation with Sunday breakfast was time-consuming. All meals were organized more than necessary, we do not need equal portions, stainless cutlery, etc.
Moje odpovedi ohledne jidla jsou relevantni pouze u gulase, protoze ostatni jsem nemel.
I was happy. The difference between first and socond camp meal service was significant.
Meals in the first camp were excellent, in the second one it was not bad, but also far from perfect.
Dobry napad. Kazdy musi nieco jest a takto sme asi mali nejaku hromadnu zlavu... vyslo to cele celkom lacno a jedlo bolo dobre.
Páteční večeře a sobotní snídaně jídlo bylo nad očekávání, veliký řízky za dobrou cenu a ráno bramboráčky s obloženým talířem.
Sobotní večeře, nijak neoslnila, za tu cenu jsem čekal trochu něco víc, i když se nedá říct že by to bylo nijak špatný. Ale ta snídaně v neděli byla naprosto *** v daném cenovém horizontu a ještě to ani časově a množstevně neodhadli. Nedělní oběd měl bejt někde v restauraci, ale kvůli roztaženosti skupiny a spěchu do Prahy (nevím proč) se nic nedělo.
Good idea, it was just hard to explain to the cook in the first camping place that I really don't want so much fat. In the second camp, the waiting for a breakfast was endless.
The meals were ok. Few options could be provided in advance to choose from, that would be even better.
Some comments about the organisation?
Excellent preparation before the trip. There should have been more control from both organizers "on water". The Sunday case, when five boats came very late just because they did not care about the others, was not a nice example.
Nice job. I know it was a lot of work. It was a lot of fun and a much needed break.
Well done, you did more than you were expected. Do not hesitate to force people to follow a (known) time schedule.
Vyborne objednane pocasi! ... Jinak super organizace ;)
Services management was excellent. There should always some participants management like who is first and who is last. The group is large and percentage of greenhorns significant. The place for unloading during Sunday was probably the best I experienced ever. The services of Tydra were very good, but the boats were too soft.
The time management of leaving the river was poor, there should be some time schedule. Luckily there was no external interference like traffic jams, forgotten participants, etc. The approach of last paddlers was just too much relaxed."
I think, that we should be really grateful for the well done organization before the trip started, then after the trip started it was not perfect all the time, but also not bad.
Pacilo sa mi ozivenie hrou o ciselka.
One organizer says that bus will leave at 17:30, second organizer has a different opinion in the pub.
Je to těžký všem v takhle heterogenií skupině vyhovět, pokaždé se najde někdo komu se něco nelíbí a kvůli kompromisů to zkrátka ani nemohlo bejt ideální pro všechny.
Informace od místních, ze do konce je jen 700m (proto jsme začali soulodit) byla mystifikujici, v realu to bylo 2km...
Příjezd autobusu byl domluven půl hodiny před srazem výletu, ale tím, že řidič uvízl v zácpě se pak už nic moc dělat nedalo.
Příjezdy taky byly dost volný (velký časový rozmezí) dáno velkým rozmezím již při nástupu do lodí (cca 30 min mezi prvním a posledním) a každej si užívá vodu jinak, někdo závodí, někdo relaxuje a to prostě dohromady nejde. Když budete tlačit na ty, co si chtěj za ""soulodit"" aby si pospíšili, tak budou prskat, že kvůli tomu tady nejsou a obráceně - na druhou stranu na ně závodníci budou s opovržením čekat a koukat. -> nutný KOMPROMIS a TOLERANCE. Řešením by bylo udělat dvě skupiny s různými místy začátku výletu a stejným cílovým místem.
Probably the only thing I missed (for some time, but it improved then) was a drinkable water on Sunday.
But after all, you guys have done a very good work!
I liked the organization except for some particular choices made regarding the accommodation (missing a shower) and transportation (the bus could be more spacey).
Some other commets you would like to give us?
Put the web page into CMP space for history preserving reason. I wish to see web pages of several past trips including photos.
Generally the canoe trip was gorgeous. Thank you.
Celá skupina byla dost rozvleklá již od začátku, jelikož už jen to nalodění na jednom nástupišti trvalo skoro půl hodiny a ve skupině nějak ani nebyla vůle na sebe čekat nebo jen nějak kolektivně, jak jsem byl zvyklej z většiny podobných akcí -> každej si jel sám pro sebe a o skupinovej akci se nedalo ani mluvit.
Vcelku fajn nápad s kolektivní hrou (cílem bylo nějak navázat iterace ve skupině), ale byla špatně vysvětlená a nepočítala s takovým počtem menších dětí (problémy s hexa čísly). Další vhodný zpestření byl volejbalový míč jako skupinová kratochvíle. Perfektní táboráky s kytarou a písničkami -> správná vodácko/táboráková atmosféra
Thank you a lot! :)
And I want to apologize if I made some troubles to the others.
Hra bol tiez vyborny napad, decka to zvlast pekne pohltilo, len asi vzhladom na horuce letne pocasie, obcasnu konzumaciu alkoholu a vekove rozdiely ucastnikov by to chcelo jednoduchsiu verziu
Which river would you recommend for next year?
I think that trip proved that Moravia is reachable. So testing some other "unknown" river like Svitava or Svratka might be interesting.
Ohře, Jizera
Don't know, this was my first river canoeing.