
Some comments about the paddling on the river Morava?

  • Very nice river for CMP purposes where there are several beginners. There should be more responsibility about safety. Two young ladies who reported rather limited swimming abilities in advance. I was astonished when I saw them without swimming vests or with an untight vest. The gentleman who was with them in the boat is a daredevil. We should have also more carefully explain to participants what shoes they have to have in a boat.
  • Very few people. Easy. New to me, therefore interesting. Very cold, which is not good for beginners. Was good as an experiment but would not vote for a repeat "as soon as possible.
  • Good river, certainly worth to go there. Only the distance from Prague is a negative.
  • The only bad thing about the river Morava was that the place were we started the trip was really not suitable for beginners :) And also sometimes more water would be much better. But all the rest was perfect - not many people (except for us :D), nice nature, etc.
  • 800 meters, 1 km/hour speed (i.e. without paddling) = 48 minutes 800 meters, 5 km/hour speed (i.e. paddling) = 10 minutes the difference: 38 minutes, that is the time for one lunch.
  • Morava - trochu olejnatá, jinak by to šlo :) a málo sjízdných jezů
  • The river seems to me as a good starter because I had more experienced boat mate. Otherwise it would have been little bit too tough.
  • Hra bol tiez vyborny napad, decka to zvlast pekne pohltilo, len asi vzhladom na horuce letne pocasie, obcasnu konzumaciu alkoholu a vekove vzdelanostne rozdiely ucastnikov by to chcelo jednoduchsiu verziu

Some comments about the accomodations?

Some comments about the provided meal?

Some comments about the organisation?

Some other commets you would like to give us?

Which river would you recommend for next year?