
Prof. Vasek Hlavac with CMP PhD students Ondrej Fikar and Vojtech Salansky would like to invite you to the traditional CMP canoe trip. This time we are going to the river Berounka from Friday May 27 to Sunday May 29 2016.


You can see the photos from the trip here.


CMP canoeing trips have been organized since 1994. A single bus full of CMP members, ex-members, friends and their families/friends go together for a weekend to have fun and enjoy some nice Czech river.

This year our destination is the river Berounka. These river is calm, suitable even for beginners, and surrounded by a beautiful natural scenery.

To make the trip as comfortable as possible, we will order a bus that will go along the river with us and take our luggage. So you only need to carry a few things in your boat.

Why should you go with us? It's almost sure you'll get to know some new CMP members. It's almost sure it's gonna be fun :) You can say you do some sports ;) And we hope it will be a great experience.

You are also welcome to bring your partners and children!


The date is set on Fri 27 - Sun 29 May 2016.


Click "zobrazit na mapy.cz" below to see the relavant locations.

People registered so far

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What do I need to take with?

Other things like boats, life jackets, paddles and barrels will be arranged for all registered participants.


The cost is 1200 CZK per participant. You will pay in advance (by paying, you actually confirm your reservation; see below). No meal is included in the price. If there is some money left after the trip, we will return everything (the expected cost is lower but we want to have a reserve).


To register for the trip, first of all please fill in the registration form. Your registration will become valid once you pay the registration fee.

Your payment should be done in favor of bank account 670100-2207031938/6210 (mBank). The message for recipient should contain the text "Your Name - CMP Canoe Trip 2016".

List of participants

People registered so far