Older news and messages
- My bachelor students have succesfully defended four theses so far this year, despite COVID. Congratulations! (3-Sep-2020)
- Our article about the ANHIR image registration challenge was accepted to IEEE TMI. Congratulations to all co-authors. (11-Apr-2020)
- We are organizing the ANHIR image registration challenge, a part of the ISBI 2019 conference. (14-Jan-2019)
- I was elected to the Academic Senate of the CTU for the second term. (Dec-2019)
- I was elected into the Academic Senate of FEE CTU. (22-Mar-2018)
- Jirka Borovec has successfully defended his PhD thesis Automatic analysis of gene expressions in Drosophila microscopy images. Congratulations! (1-Jul-2018)
- Our article Dvořák et al.: Volume estimation from single images: an application to pancreatic islets was accepted to Image Analysis & Stereology. Congratulations to everybody! (27-Jun-2018)
- My lecture about magnetic resonance imaging (in Czech) is available. (1-Jun-2018)
- Out article Kybic, Borovec: Fast registration by boundary sampling and linear programming was accepted to the prestigious MICCAI2018 conference. (25-May-2018)
- Research Center for Informatics, a large project (30+ FTE) involving several Faculties of the CTU seems to be approved. We will be hiring soon. (9-May-2018)
- Our article Borovec, Munoz, Kybic: Benchmarking of image registration methods for differently stained histological slides was accepted to the ICIP 2018 conference. Congratulations to Jirka! (4-May-2018)
- Our new biomedical study program [only in Czech, sorry] was approved by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education. (16-Apr-2018)
- COST action Action COMULIS (Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences) in which I participate, was accepted. (15-Apr-2018)
- Our paper Pinheiro, Kybic: Incremental B-spline deformation model for geometric graph matching was accepted to ISBI 2018. (21-Dec-2017)
- Our new biomedical study program [only in Czech, sorry] was approved by the CTU Scientific Council. (21-Nov-2017)
- Two articles by my PhD student Jirka Borovec accepted to Journal of Electronic Imaging. Congratulations. (24-Oct-2017)
- I have taught at the AMBIA summer school on advanced methods in biomedical image analysis. (5-Sep-2017)
- I am stepping down from my function as a Head of the Department. Good luck to my successor, Tomáš Svoboda. (1-Aug-2017)
- My PhD student Miguel Pinheiro has succesfully defended his thesis Graph and Point Cloud Matching for Image Registration. Congratulations! (27-06-2017)
- Our article Glowacki et al: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency was accepted to IEEE PAMI. Congratulations to Przemek, Miguel, and all coauthors! (24-2-2017)
- I am again a member of one of the evaluation committees (P202 - Informatics) of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). (24-2-2017)
- Our article Pinheiro, Kybic, Fua: Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search has been accepted to IEEE PAMI. Congratulations to Miguel! (1-12-2016)
- Our grant proposal Learning local concepts from global training data for biomedical image segmentation and classification was accepted by the Czech science foundation. (25-11-2016)
- Our article Borovec, Kybic: Binary pattern dictionary learning for gene expression representation in drosophila imaginal discs received a Best paper award at the MCBMIAA2016 workshop. Congratulations to Jirka!
- Two articles from our group (by Jef Vandemeulebroucke and Marian Uherčík were considered to be among the 20% of the best results of the last five years in the Czech Republic. (13-Nov-2016)
- Jan Hering has started a postdoc in our group. Welcome! (1-Nov-2016)
- I have talked at a workshop on biomedical data analysis organized by the Institute of Physiology on October 25. (7-Oct-2016)
- I gave a three day PhD course on numerical optimization at the University of Oulu. (20-Sep-2016)
- Our article Nava et al.: Characterization of Hematologic Malignancies based on Discrete Orthogonal Moments was accepted to the IPTA2016 conference. Congratulations to Rodrigo. (2-Sep-2016)
- Our articles Švihlík et al.: Langerhans islet volume estimation from 3D optical projection tomography and Borovec, Kybic: Binary pattern dictionary learning for gene expression representation in drosophila imaginal discs were accepted to the MCBMIAA2016 workshop at ACCV. Congratulations! (2-Sep-2016)
- Our article Habart et al.: Automated Analysis of Microscopic Images of Isolated Pancreatic Islets was accepted to the Cell Transplantation journal. (20-Jun-2016)
- The ISBI 2016 conference I have co-organized is now over. (18-Apr-2016)
- I am now a member of the IEEE Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP). (13-Apr-2016)
- Our article Martinez et al.: Fully-automated classification of bone marrow infiltration in low-dose CT of patients with multiple myeloma based on probabilistic density model and supervised learning was accepted to Computers in Biology and Medicine. Congratulations to Francisco! (1-Feb-2016)
- I am a full professor now, effective from November 1. (18-Nov-2015)
- Two submissions accepted to the SPIE Medical Imaging conference 2016. Congratulations to Jan Švihlík and Jiří Dvořák. (2-Nov-2015)
- I have just created a Twitter account @JanKybic (13-Oct-2015)
- My article Bootstrap Resampling for Image Registration Uncertainty Estimation without Ground Truth is considered to be among the 20% of the best scientific results of the last five years in the Czech Republic. (2-Mar-2015)
- Our project proposal Automatic analysis of spatial gene expression patterns was accepted for financing by the Czech Grant Agency. We are looking for a motivated post-doc and a PhD student to work on this project at the intersection of biology, image processing and data mining. (13-Dec-2013)
- Zurich Summer School on Biomedical Imaging might be interesting for excellent master and beginning PhD students. (1-Feb-2015)
- I will talk at a seminar in Liberec. (17-Sep-2014)
- Our article Serradell, Pinheiro, Snitzman, Kybic, Moreno-Noguer, Fua: Non-Rigid Graph Registration using Active Testing Search has been accepted to the prestigious journal IEEE PAMI. (7-Jul-2014)
- An article about our group has appeared in the latest issue of the CTU magazine
and another has been reproduced online in scienceworld.cz. (12-Jun-2014)
- I will teach at the Summer school of mathematical biology in September 2014 in Brno. The courses are free, registration closes June 30. (9-Jun-2014)
- My PhD students Jiří Borovec and Miguel Amavel Pinheiro have successfully passed their state exams. Congratulations! (26-May-2014)
- A new PhD student Archibald Pontier has arrived, to work on the Automatic analysis of spatial gene expression patterns project, supervised by Boris Flach and Jan Kybic. Welcome! (2-Apr-2014)
- Our project proposal Automatic analysis of microscopy images of Langerhans islets with PI Jan Svihlik has been accepted for financing. Congratulations! (10-Mar-2014)
- The Fiji jSLIC superpixel plugin written by Jiri Borovec has been featured on the Fiji web page. (25-Jan-2014)
- Our project proposal Automatic analysis of spatial gene expression patterns was accepted for financing by the Czech Grant Agency. We are looking for a motivated post-doc and a PhD student to work on this project at the intersection of biology, image processing and data mining. (13-Dec-2013)
- I am looking for PhD students and master students to work on new projects in the area of digital pathology to be started in collaboration with Vlad Popovici. (21-Aug-2013)
- Our article: “J. Kybic, J. Borovec: Automatic simultaneous segmentation and fast registration of histological images” has been accepted to the ISBI 2014 conference. (30-Nov-2013)
- Three articles from my group (about segmentation of Langerhans islet images, registration of histological images and neuromuscular fiber segmentation) have been accepted to the SPIE Medical Imaging conference to be held in San Diego in February 2014. Congratulations to my co-authors, especially Jan Švihlík and Thomas Dietenbeck. (11-Oct-2013)
- Our article “M. Uhercik et al: Line Filtering for Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images” has been accepted for publication to Computers in Biology and Medicine journal. (25-Sep-2013)
- Our article “L. Fernandez et al: Organ-Focused Mutual Information for Nonrigid Multimodal Registration of Liver CT and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI” has been accepted for publication in Medical Image Analysis journal. (9-Sep-2013)
- I have moved into a new office, E-216. (10-Jul-2013)
- I am attending the IPMI conference in Asilomar, California, where we are presenting an article Pinheiro et al: “Active Testing Search for Point Cloud Matching” (28-Jun-2013)
- I was named a Head of the Department of Cybernetics starting from July 1, 2013. Simultaneously, I am leaving the vice-dean position. (21-Jun-2013)
- Jiří Borovec was awarded a diploma at the FEE CTU student conference POSTER 2013. (20-May-2013)
- Juan David Garcia has successfully defended his PhD thesis Multichannel Image Information Similarity Measures: Applications to Colposcopy Image Registration. Congratulations! (16-May-2013)
- I am now a member of one of the evaluation committees (P202 - Informatics) of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). (26-Feb-2013)
- We are having a number of fresh arrivals into the group:
the postdocs Thomas Dietenbeck (visiting) and Jan Švihlík (part-time),
visiting PhD student Jana Podlipská, and three master students from India. (15-Feb-2013)
- Our article article: Borovec, Kybic, et al.: “Registration of multiple stained histological sections” was accepted for the ISBI2013 conference. (15-Jan-2013)
- I went to the MICCAI conference in Nice, France, in October, to present our article “Varray, Kybic, Basset, Cachard: Neuromuscular fiber segmentation using particle filtering and discrete optimization” at the Histopathology Image Analysis workshop (10-Jul-2012)
- I went to the BioImage Informatics conference in Dresden, Germany, in October, to present a poster “Bušta, Kybic, Lange: Stained histology slice registration”. (12-Jul-2012)
- We will organize the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) conference in Prague in 2016. (25-May-2012)
- I took part in the SPIE Medical Imaging conference 2012 in San Diego, presenting an article
Serradell, Kybic, Moreno-Noguer, Fua: “Robust elastic 2D/3D geometric graph matching”.
- Our article Vandemeulebroucke, Bernard, Rit, Kybic, Clarysse: “Automated Segmentation of a Motion Mask to Preserve Sliding Motion in Deformable Registration of Thoracic CT” has been accepted for publication in Medical Physics (IF 2.7). (3-Jan-2012)
- I was looking for a C++ programmer for a new project
in microscopy image registration, in collaboration with
Flagship Biosciences
- We were looking for Java programmers and software engineers for a student web portal project. (10-Apr-2012)
- We were looking for a webmaster for the faculty web pages. (16-Dec-2011)
- I have moved to a new office E120 at Karlovo náměstí (from G105a). (15-Dec-2011)
- Our article Jan Kybic, Ivan Vnučko: “Approximate All Nearest
Neighbor Search for High Dimensional Entropy Estimation for Image
Registration” has been accepted for publication to Signal
Processing. (25-Nov-2011)
- I have a second office A4-105c in Dejvice now, with a phone extension 5877. I have also created a web page for my vice-dean job. (31-Oct-2011)
- I am very happy to announce that our second daughter Linda was born today. (11-Oct-2011)
- I was named a vice-dean for information technology. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions how to improve the information infrastructure of the Faculty. (26-Sep-2011)
- My student Miguel Amável Pinheiro was awarded a grant to fund his PhD studies from a Portuguese grant agency. (19-Sep-2011)
- Presentation of our team is now on the faculty web page. (1-Sep-2011)
- Our article Garcia-Arteaga, Kybic, Li: “Automatic Colposcopy Video Tissue Classification Using Higher Order Entropy Based Registration” has been accepted to Computers in Biology and Medicine. (1-Aug-2011)
- We are looking for a PhD or postdoc candidate for a joint project
with Prof. Rudolf Mester on fast and/or precise motion estimation. (15-Jul-2011)
- I have successfully passed my habilitation, becoming an Associate Professor (docent). (1-Jul-2011)
- Our article Kybic, Nieuwenhuis: “Bootstrap Optical Flow Confidence and Uncertainty Measure” has been accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding. (21-Jun-2011)
- My student Marián Uherčík has
successfully defended his PhD thesis Surgical Tools Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images. Congratulations! (20-Apr-2011)
- I have come back to Prague from a sabbatical year I spent in CVLAB at EPFL,
- Switzerland. (1-Apr-2011)