
The Colloquium in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision is a biannual event with a rich tradition dating back to 1998. This esteemed gathering is jointly organized by the Visual Recognition Group and the Department of Cybernetics at the Czech Technical University in Prague, and enjoys the generous support of the Czech Pattern Recognition Society (CPRS). The technical program is curated by Jiri Matas.

The events are open to everyone and attendance is free.

Contact Details

Giorgos Tolias: toliageo (at) fel (dot) cvut (dot) cz

2024 Oct 17

CTU in Prague

Fac. of Electrical Engineering

Karlovo Namesti 13


2024 Apr 4

CTU in Prague

Fac. of Electrical Engineering

Karlovo Namesti 13

Building E

Room: E301 (K9)

get here

11:00-11:10: Jiri Matas


11:10-11:45: Rafal Mantiuk (University of Cambridge, UK)

How should we measure progress in computer vision and computational photography? slides [abstract]

11:45-12:20: Gul Varol (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, FR)

Audio Description Generation for Movies using Vision-Language Models slides [abstract]

12:20-13:30: Lunch break

13:30-14:05: Fatma Guney (Koc University, TR)

Learning Object-Centric Representations for Self-Driving slides [abstract]

14:05-14:40: Bill Psomas (NTUA, GR)

Leveraging Attention in Masked Image Modeling and Pooling slides [abstract]

14:40-15:20: Coffee break

15:20-15:55: Tomas Hodan (Meta, CH)

Object pose estimation for augmented reality slides [abstract]

15:55-16:30: Jakub Paplham (CTU in Prague, CZ)

A Call to Reflect on Evaluation Practices for Age Estimation: Comparative Analysis of the State-of-the-Art and a Unified Benchmark. [abstract]

Event photos:[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8]

2023 Dec 7

CTU in Prague

Fac. of Electrical Engineering

Karlovo Namesti 13

Building E

Room: E301 (K9)

get here

10:55-11:00: Jiri Matas


11:00-11:35: Marc Proesmans (KU Leuven, BE)

In search for camera and data independence for mobility applications [abstract]

11:35-12:10: Oriane Siméoni (VALEO.AI, FR)

Object localization (almost) for free harnessing self-supervised features. slides [abstract]

12:10-13:10: Lunch break

13:10-13:45: Federico Tombari (Google/TU Munich, DE/CH)

3D scene understanding for real world applications [abstract]

13:45-14:20: Lea Müller (Max Planck Institute, DE)

3D Human Mesh Reconstruction for Poses with Contact [abstract]

14:20-14:50: Coffee break

14:50-15:25: Tomas Jakab (University of Oxford, UK)

Learning Articulated 3D Animals in the Wild. slides [abstract]

15:25-16:00: Jonas Kulhanek (CIIRC - CTU in Prague, CZ)

Learning 3D scene representations for novel view synthesis. slides [abstract]

Event photos:[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8]

Past colloquiua can be found here.