CMP events

prof. Jake K. Aggarwal presents Recognition of Human Activities and Emotions

On 2014-09-01 11:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
Computer Vision has matured from a research tool in the 1960s to an established
discipline today. The developments in cameras, computers and memory have
contributed in part to this maturing of computer vision. Cameras are using
imaging modalities ranging from visual intensity to thermal, range and others.
The introduction of KINECT by Microsoft is a prime example.

At The University of Texas at Austin, Professor Aggarwal and his group are
pursuing a number of projects on human activity understanding and face/emotion
recognition. The talk will focus on his group’s past and ongoing research.
The applications considered include monitoring of human activities in public
places, identification of abandoned baggage and face and emotion recognition
while playing games. The use of range and image intensity to analyzing
activities will be discussed. The issues considered in these problems will
illustrate the richness of ideas involved and the difficulties associated with
understanding human activities/emotions.