pose_estimation Documentation

pose_estimation: Visual odometry for omnidirectional camera

Visual odometry for omnidirectional multicamera rig that can be approximated by spherical camera model.

First, we provide a brief overview of packages that are distributed with our visual odometry system. This is because this is the main package of our visual odometry system, and because ROS stacks have been deprecated (so we dont want to make this a stack). We divide the packages in two groups. The first group contains packages that are already present in ROS, but we duplicated them because we require diferent versions than those available in ROS Fuerte. The second group are special libraries that are used by this package:

XXX this is the section where the specification and design/architecture should be detailed. While the original specification may be done on the wiki, it should be transferred here once your package starts to take shape. You can then link to this documentation page from the Wiki.


This package contains most of our functionality of the visual odometry system. There are two nodes vor visual odometry --- one for visual odometry on reqular images, and one for simulation of visual odometry on predefined trajectory:

Node omnivo

This node utilizes omnidirectional panoramic image messages to produce visual odometry and outputs standard ROS odometry message without covariance. The node is single-threaded program that can process the inputs on standard desktop (as of year 2012) at the rate of approximately 2Hz.


See Section Command-line tools.

ROS topics

Subscribes to:

Publishes to:

ROS parameters

Reads the following parameters from the parameter server:

Sets the following parameters on the parameter server:

ROS services

This node does not provide any ROS services.

Node omnivosim

This node has same functionality as Node omnivo, except that instead taking real images to produce odometry, it generates its own input based on predefined trajectory.


See Section Command-line tools.

ROS topics

This node does not subscribe to any topic.

Publishes to:

ROS parameters

Reads the following parameters from the parameter server:

Sets the following parameters on the parameter server:

ROS services

This node does not provide any ROS services.

Command-line tools

This package provides several '.launch' files that are intended as:

For advanced logging and analysis of the visual odometry results, it is recommanded to use package 'odometry_adaptor'.

In the following, we briefly describe available '.launch' files. More details can be found in their comments.


Launches Node omnivo with sensible defaults. Some stuff is configurable through '.launch' file's parameters.


Equivalent of vo.launch for the node Node omnivosim.


Launches Node omnivo on a bag file which publishes '/viz/pano_vodom/image' topic.


Launches Node omnivo on a bag file which has image topics in such a format that package 'omnicam' can produce from them the panoramic image topic required by Node omnivo. 'omnicam' is external ROS package that is not distributed with our visual odometry packages.

The following command lauches Node omnivo with ros parameters set up using the lauch file vo.launch.
$ roslaunch pose_estimation vo.launch
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Author(s): Jiri Divis/jiridivis@gmail.com
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:17