This is a short online version of my CV. Other relevant information can be found browsing this page, see especially sections Contacts, Research, Funding, Publications, Teaching and Students.
I also have a slightly different PDF version.
Curriculum vitae
I was born on January 18, 1974 in Prague, Czech Republic. Male.
2017-2022: | Member of the Academic Senate of CTU, Prague. |
since 2015: | Full Professor |
2013-2017, since 2023: | |
Head of the Deparment of Cybernetics, CTU, Prague. | |
2011-2013: | Vice-dean for information technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU, Prague. |
since 2011: | Associate Professor (habilitation) at CTU Prague. |
2010-2011: | Visiting researcher at CVLAB at EPFL, Switzerland. |
since 2003: | Senior researcher at CMP, FEE, CTU, Prague, Czech Republic. |
2001-2003: | Post-doc position at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France. |
1998-2001: | PhD at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
1994-1998: | Master (Engineer) at FEE, CTU, Prague, with honours. |
Professional activities
General co-chair of ISBI 2016. Department head. Former associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Medical Image Analysis and various other journals and conferences. Organizer of the Prague computer science seminar. Senior member of IEEE, member of CsTUG. Organized the CVAMIA workshop at the ECCV 2004 conference and Local ACM Programming Contest at CTU since 1996. Reviewer of PhD and Master theses.
Research interests
Signal and image processing for biomedical applications, image registration, segmentation, splines and wavelets, speech processing and enhancement, computer vision, numerical methods, inverse problems, algorithm theory, parallel algorithms, control theory.
Language skills
Mother tongue Czech, fluent English, French, and Spanish, conversational knowledge of German and Italian, intermediate Russian, basic Portuguese.
About me
I am married and we have two daughters. In my free time I like to go hiking, biking, skiing (down-hill, cross-country, ski-alpinism), sailing, canoeing, geocaching, I play volleyball, board games and cards, play and listen to music, read, travel, take photographs… I am also a do-it-yourself person, I know how to construct simple electronic devices and I used to do programming just for fun.