Current funding
- 24-08-00048 “Scanning the Meiotic spindle in Assisted Reproductive Techniques to assess oocyte quality and embryo ploidy evaluated by artificial intelligence (SMART study).” (2024-2028) Czech Health Research Council
Previous funding
- MSM210000012 “Transdisciplinary Biomedical Engineering Research.” (1999-2004) Czech Ministry of Education Attributed publications.
- inta “Automatic satellite image registration.” (2003-2004) Industrial collaboration with INTA, Spain
- 1ET101050403 “Artificial Intelligence Methods in Diagnostics from Medical Images.” (2004-2007) Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Attributed publications.
- stihawaii “Cervical image registration.” (2004-2006) Industrial collaboration with STI Medical Systems, Hawaii, U.S.A.
- MSM6840770012 “Transdisciplinary Biomedical Engineering Research II.” (2005-2011) Czech Ministry of Education Attributed publications.
- 1M0567 “Centre for Applied Cybernetics.” (2005-2009) Czech Ministry of Education Attributed publications.
- NR8314-3/2005 “Detection of Lung Noduli from CT Images.” (2005-2007) Grant Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health. Attributed publications.
- 2-06-34 “Multimodal brain imaging.” (2005-2006) Program Barrande, bilateral French-Czech collaboration. Attributed publications.
- 2005-06-007-1 “Localization of surgical tools.” (2005-2007) Program Barrande, bilateral French-Czech collaboration. Attributed publications.
- 21024 “Wide area research training in health engineering.” (2006-2010) FP6-MOBILITY Attributed publications.
- MEST-CT-2005-021024 “Wide Area Research Training in Health Engineering.” (2006-2010) EU FP6 Marie Curie Early Stage Training. Attributed publications.
- 102/07/1317 “Methods for Visual Recognition of Large Collections of Non-rigid Objects.” (2007-2010) Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Attributed publications.
- flagship “Elastic image registration for digital pathology.” (2011-2012) Industrial collaboration with Flagship Bioscience LLC, Arizona, U.S.A.
- P202/11/0111 “Automatic analysis of light and electron microscopy neuronal data.” (2011-2014) Czech Science Foundation Attributed publications.
- SGS12/190/OHK3/3T/13 “Registration, segmentation, detection and classification algorithms for biomedical image processing.” (2012-2014) Czech Technical University in Prague Attributed publications.
- 14-21421S “Automatic analysis of spatial gene expression patterns.” (2014-2016) Czech Science Foundation Attributed publications.
- 14-10440S “Automatic analysis of microscopy images of Langerhans islets.” (2014-2016) Czech Science Foundation (PI J.Svihlik) Attributed publications.
- 17-15361S “Learning local concepts from global training data for biomedical image segmentation and classification.” (2017-2019) Czech Science Foundation Attributed publications.
- CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765 “Research Center for Informatics.” (2018-2022) OP VVV Attributed publications.
- NV19-08-00362 “Evaluation of stability of atherosclerotic plaque in carotids using digital image analysis of ultrasound images.” (2019-2022) Czech Health Research Council Attributed publications.
- 20-08452S “Towards AbloCAM: fundamental approaches to automated ablation-desorption imprinting of focused X-ray laser beams.” (2020-2022) Czech Science Foundation (co-PI) Attributed publications.