Publications by funding
My publications by a funding source. Note that some publications can be attributed to several funding sources.
- Olivier Faugeras, Geoffray Adde, Guillaume Charpiat, Christophe Chefd’Hotel, Maureen Clerc, Thomas Deneux, Rachide Deriche, Gerardo Hermosillo, Renaud Keriven, Pierre Kornprobst, Jan Kybic, Christophe Lenglet, Lucero Lopez-Perez, Théo Papadopoulo, Jean-Philippe Pons, Florent Segonne, Bertrand Thirion, David Tschumperle, Thierry Vieville and Nicolas Wotawa. “Variational, geometric, and statistical methods for modeling brain anatomy and function.” Neuroimage, vol. 23S1, pp. S46-S55, 2004.
- Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Carlos O. S. Sorzano, Roberto Marabini, Jose M. Carazo, Carlos Ortiz-de-Solorzano and Jan Kybic. “Consistent and Elastic Registration of Histological Sections.” CVAMIA: Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis, no. 3117, pp. 85-95, May 2006.
- Dimitris Glotsos, S. Tsantis, Jan Kybic, A. Daskalakis, P. Ravazoula, I. Kalatzis, N. Dimitropoulos, D. Cavouras and G. Nikiforidis. “Maxima chain edge representation for nuclei detection in microscopy images of thyroid nodules.” EMBEC 2005, November 2005.
- Ledesma-Carbayo María-Jesús, Santos Andrés, Mahia Patricia, Garcia-Fernandez Miguel-Angel, Kybic Jan, Malpica Norberto, Perez-David E. and Desco Manuel. “Longitudinal and Radial Regional Strain Obtained From Gray-Scale Conventional Echocardiography.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. A255, March 2005.
- Brusseau Elisabeth, Kybic Jan, Déprez Jean-François and Basset Olivier. “2-D Locally Regularized Tissue Strain Estimation From Radio-Frequency Ultrasound Images: Theoretical Developments and Results on Experimental Data.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 145-160, February 2008.
- Petr Jan, Kybic Jan, Bock Michael, Müller Sven and Hlaváč Václav. “Parallel Image Reconstruction Using B-Spline Approximation (PROBER).” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 582-591, September 2007.
- Dolejší Martin and Kybic Jan. “Automatic two-step detection of pulmonary nodules.” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6514, pp. 3j-1-3j-12, February 2007.
- Juan D. García-Arteaga and Jan Kybic. “Automatic landmark detection for cervical image registration validation.” Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6514, no. 1, pp. 65142S, February 2007.
- Petr Jan and Kybic Jan. “Continuous criterion for parallel MRI reconstruction using B-spline approximation (PROBER).” Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 6512, pp. 43-53, February 2007.
- Smutek Daniel, Šára Radim, Holinka Štěpán, Kybic Jan, Tesař Ludvík, Jiskra Jan and Maruna Pavel. “Ultrasound Image of Chronic Thyroiditis and its Relation to Antithyroid Antibodies.” Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 32, no. 5, Supplement 1, pp. 120, May-June 2006.
- Martin Barva, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott, Christian Cachard and Václav Hlaváč. “Comparison of Methods for Tool Localization in Biological Tissue from 3D Ultrasound Data.” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, vol. , no. , pp. 1983-1986, October 2006.
- García-Arteaga Juan David, Kybic Jan and Li Wenjing. “Elastic Image Registration for Movement Compensation in Digital Colposcopy.” BIOSIGNAL: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, pp. 236-238, June 2006.
- Jan Kybic. “Incremental updating of nearest neighbor-based high-dimensional entropy estimation.” ICASSP2006, pp. III-804, May 2006.
- Jan Kybic and Daniel Smutek. “Image Registration Accuracy Estimation without Ground Truth using Bootstrap.” CVAMIA: Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis, no. 3117, pp. 61-72, May 2006.
- Petr Jan, Kybic Jan, Hlaváč Václav, Müller Sven and Bock Michael. “Fast Parallel MRI Reconstruction Using B-spline Approximation (PROBER).” Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 6142, pp. 1251-1262, February 2006.
- Martin Barva, Jan Kybic, Jean-Martial Mari, Christian Cachard and Václac Hlaváč. “Localizing Metal Electrode from 3D Ultrasound Data Using RANSAC and Intensity Priors.” IFMBE Proceedings EMBEC‘05, 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 6, November 2005.
- Leila Muresan, Bettina Heise, Jan Kybic and Klement Erich Peter. “Quantitative Analysis of Microarrays.” Proceedings of ICIP, pp. 1274-1277, September 2005.
- Petr Jan, Kybic Jan, Müller Sven, Bock Michael and Hlaváč Václav. “Parallel MRI Reconstruction Using B-Spline Approximation.” ISMRM ‘05: Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 13, pp. 2421, May 2005.
- Barva Martin, Kybic Jan, Mari Jean-Martial, Cachard Christian and Hlaváč Václav. “Automatic Localization of Curvilinear Object in 3D Ultrasound Images.” SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, vol. 6, no. 5750, pp. 455-462, February 2005.
- Jan Kybic and Daniel Smutek. “Estimating Elastic Properties of Tissues from Standard 2D Ultrasound Images.” SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, vol. 6, no. 5750, pp. 184-195, February 2005.
- Ledesma-Carbayo María Jesús, Manuel Desco, Malpica Norberto, Kybic Jan and Santos Andrés. “Non rigid Registration for Myocardial Motion Analysis.” 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (CD-ROM), June 2004.
- Barva Martin, Kybic Jan and Hlaváč Václav. “Localization of surgical instruments in biological tissue from 3D ultrasound images.” CTU 2007: Proceedings of the Czech Technical University Workshop 2007, vol. 11, pp. 480-481, February 2007.
- Svoboda Jiří. “Porovnání metod odhadování entropie pro registraci obrazů.” pp. 126, May 2007.
- Dolejší Martin. “Detection of Pulmonary Nodules from CT Scans.” pp. 65, January 2007.
- Petr Jan. “Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction.” pp. 129, October 2007.
- Barva Martin. “Localization of Surgical Instruments in 3D Ultrasound Images.” pp. 153, June 2007.
- Kybic Jan and Nieuwenhuis Claudia. “Bootstrap Optical Flow Confidence and Uncertainty Measure.” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 115, no. 10, pp. 1449-1462, June 2011.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Model Fitting Using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1907-1916, Aug. 2010.
- Martin Barva, Marián Uherčík, Jean-Martial Mari, Jan Kybic, Jean-René Duhamel, Hervé Liebgott, Václav Hlaváč and Christian Cachard. “Parallel Integral Projection Transform for Straight Electrode Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC), vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1559-1569, July 2008.
- Clerc Maureen and Kybic Jan. “Cortical mapping by Laplace-Cauchy transmission using a boundary element method..” Journal on Inverse Problems, vol. 23, pp. 2589-2601, November 2007.
- Jan Kybic, Maureen Clerc, Olivier Faugeras, Renaud Keriven and Théo Papadopoulo. “Generalized Head Models for MEG/EEG: BEM beyond Nested Volumes.” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1333-1346, February 2006.
- Jan Kybic, Maureen Clerc, Olivier Faugeras, Renaud Keriven and Théo Papadopoulo. “Fast Multipole Acceleration of the MEG/EEG Boundary Element Method.” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 50, no. 19, pp. 4695-4710, October 2005.
- Ledesma-Carbayo María Jesús, Jan Kybic, Manuel Desco, Andrés Santos, Michael Sühling, Patrick Hunziker and Michael Unser. “Spatio-Temporal Non-Rigid Registration for Ultrasound Cardiac Motion Estimation.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1113-1126, September 2005.
- Tůma S., Kybic J., Dolejší M., Polovinčák J., Neuwirth J., Adla T. and Čumlivská E.. “Přesnost počítačem asistované CT diagnostiky plicních uzlů ve srovnání s klasickými postupy hodnocení.” Čes.-slov. Pediatr., vol. 63, no. 7/8, pp. 31-52, September 2008.
- Václav Hlaváč and Jan Kybic. “Zdravotnická informatika.” Zpracování obrazu počítačem v medicíně, pp. 105-114, September 2007.
- Kybic Jan and Michael Unser.Elastic Registration for Biomedical Applications, Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis: Registration Models, vol. 3, pp. 339-393, 2005.
- F. Gaufillet, H. Liebgott, M. Uherčík, F. Cervenansky, J. Kybic and C. Cachard. “3D Ultrasound real-time monitoring of surgical tools.” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 2360-2363, October 2010.(Accepted)
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Abràmoff Michael D. and Sonka Milan. “Semi-automated segmentation of Symptomatic Exudate-Associated Derangements (SEADs) in 3D OCT using layer segmentation.” Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proceedings of Biosignal 2010, pp. NA, June 2010.
- Jan Kybic and Jakub Krátký. “Discrete curvature calculation for fast level set segmentation.” ICIP: International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 4404, November 2009.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Jan Kybic, Patrick Clarysse and David Sarrut. “Respiratory Motion Estimation from Cone-Beam Projections Using a Prior Model.” Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, vol. 5762, pp. 365-372, September 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Christian Cachard and Hervé Liebgott. “Line filtering for detection of microtools in 3D ultrasound data.” Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2009 IEEE International, pp. 594-597, September 2009.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “The Lung TIME-Annotated Lung Nodule Dataset and Nodule Detection Framework.” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7260, pp. 72601U, February 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Hervé Liebgott, Jan Kybic and Christian Cachard. “Needle localization methods in 3D ultrasound data.” 2009 ICU International Congress on Ultrasonics, pp. 4, January 2009.
- García-Arteaga Juan D. and Kybic Jan. “Regional Image Similarity Criteria Based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko Entropy Estimator.” CVPRW: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 1-8, June 2008.
- Jan Kybic. “Fast no ground truth image registration accuracy evaluation: Comparison of bootstrap and Hessian approaches.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 792-795, May 2008.
- Krátký Jakub and Kybic Jan. “Three-dimensional segmentation of bones from CT and MRI using fast level sets.” SPIE MI 2008: Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging 2008 Conference, vol. 6914, pp. 10, February 2008.
- Kybic Jan. “High-Dimensional Entropy Estimation for Finite Accuracy Data: R-NN Entropy Estimator.” IPMI2007: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 20th International Conference, pp. 569-580, July 2007.
- Jan Kybic, Olivier Faugeras, Maureen Clerc and Theo Papadopoulo. “Neural mass model parameter identification for MEG/EEG.” Proceedings of SPIE: Medical Imaging 2007. Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Imaging, vol. 6511, pp. 0F-1-0F-9, February 2007.
- Martin Barva, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott, Christian Cachard and Václav Hlaváč. “Comparison of Methods for Tool Localization in Biological Tissue from 3D Ultrasound Data.” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, vol. , no. , pp. 1983-1986, October 2006.
- Jan Kybic and Daniel Smutek. “Computational Elastography from Standard Ultrasound Image Sequences by Global Trust Region Optimization.” Proceedings of IPMI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 3565, pp. 299-310, July 2005.
- Maureen Clerc, Geoffray Adde, Jan Kybic, Théo Papadopoulo and Jean-Michel Badier. “In vivo conductivity estimation with symmetric boundary elements.” International Journal on Bioelectromagnetism, NFSI2005: 5th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism and 5th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 307-311?, May 2005.
- Jasanský Marek. “Paralelizace řešení přímého problému EEG rekonstrukce metodou BEM.” pp. 44, June 2007.
- Petr Jan. “Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction.” pp. 129, October 2007.
- Kybic Jan and Nieuwenhuis Claudia. “Bootstrap Optical Flow Confidence and Uncertainty Measure.” no. K333-10/10, CTU-CMP-2010-07, pp. 23, March 2010.
- Uherčík Marián, Kybic Jan, Liebgott Hervé and Cachard Christian. “Model Fitting using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” no. CTU-CMP-2009-11, pp. 7, September 2009.
- J. Vandemeulebroucke, S. Rit, J. Kybic, P. Clarysse and D. Sarrut. “Spatio-Temporal Motion Estimation for Respiratory-Correlated Imaging of the Lungs.” Medical Physics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 166-178, 2011.
- Jan Kybic. “Bootstrap Resampling for Image Registration Uncertainty Estimation without Ground Truth.” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 64-73, January 2010.
- Svoboda Tomáš, Kybic Jan and Hlaváč Václav. “Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision - A MATLAB Companion.” pp. 255, September 2007.
- García-Arteaga Juan D. and Kybic Jan. “Regional Image Similarity Criteria Based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko Entropy Estimator.” CVPRW: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 1-8, June 2008.
- Kazmar T. and Kybic J.. “Opacity Quantification In Cardiac Angiogram Sequences.” BIOSIGNAL: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, pp. 66, June 2008.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Reducing false positive responses in lung nodule detector system by Asymmetric AdaBoost.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 656-659, May 2008.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Multi-resolution Parallel Integral Projection for Fast Localization of a Straight Electrode in 3D Ultrasound Images.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 33-36, May 2008.
- García-Arteaga Juan David, Kybic Jan and Li Wenjing. “Elastic Image Registration for Movement Compensation in Digital Colposcopy.” BIOSIGNAL: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, pp. 236-238, June 2006.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Algoritmy CAD systému pro CT vyšetření plic na plicní uzly.” Radiační zátěž pacientů při CT vyšetření a problematika jejího stanovení, pp. 29-31, September 2008.
- Jan Kybic and Ivan Vnučko. “Approximate Best Bin First k-d Tree All Nearest Neighbor Search with Incremental Updates.” no. K333-40/10, CTU-CMP-2010-10, pp. 27, July 2010.
- Kybic Jan and Nieuwenhuis Claudia. “Bootstrap Optical Flow Confidence and Uncertainty Measure.” no. K333-10/10, CTU-CMP-2010-07, pp. 23, March 2010.
- Pauco Marian and Kybic Jan. “Výroba kryogelových fantómov pre ultrazvukovú elastografiu.” no. 29, pp. 20, April 2008.
- Tůma S., Kybic J., Dolejší M., Polovinčák J., Neuwirth J., Adla T. and Čumlivská E.. “Přesnost počítačem asistované CT diagnostiky plicních uzlů ve srovnání s klasickými postupy hodnocení.” Čes.-slov. Pediatr., vol. 63, no. 7/8, pp. 31-52, September 2008.
- Neuwirth J., Polovinčák M., Kybic J., Tůma S., Čumlivská E., Suchánek V., Adla T., Hlaváč V. and Dolejší M.. “Solitární a mnohočetné plicní uzly - analýza morfologických vlastností na průkaz jejich etiologie, pravidla sledování malých uzlů, jejich detekce pomocí semiautomatické analýzy CT obrazu - vlastní zkušenosti a přehled literatury.” Česká radiologie, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 311-320, March 2006.
- Tůma Stanislav, Neuwirth Jiří, Čumlivská E., Mališ J., Kybic Jan, Šanda J., Fricová-Poulová M., Adla T. and Polovinčák M.. “Nízkodávková technika spirální CT plic v diagnostice metastatických ložiskových nálezů u dětí a v dorostovém věku.” Česko-slovenská pediatrie, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 179-185, March 2006.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “The Lung TIME-Annotated Lung Nodule Dataset and Nodule Detection Framework.” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7260, pp. 72601U, February 2009.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Reducing false positive responses in lung nodule detector system by Asymmetric AdaBoost.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 656-659, May 2008.
- Dolejší Martin and Kybic Jan. “Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans.” BIOSIGNAL: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images, pp. 251-253, June 2006.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Algoritmy CAD systému pro CT vyšetření plic na plicní uzly.” Radiační zátěž pacientů při CT vyšetření a problematika jejího stanovení, pp. 29-31, September 2008.
- Tůma S., Neuwirth J., Dolejší M., Kybic J., Daníčková K., Polovinčák M., Šanda J., Čumlivská E. and Mališ J.. “Možnost snižování dávky ionizujícího záření při vyšetření nádorových onemocnění plic u dětí a dorostu.” Čes.-slov. Pediatr., no. 5, pp. 357-358, June 2007.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Nodules from CT Images.” Endosono, 2009.
- Clerc Maureen and Kybic Jan. “Cortical mapping by Laplace-Cauchy transmission using a boundary element method..” Journal on Inverse Problems, vol. 23, pp. 2589-2601, November 2007.
- Jan Kybic, Olivier Faugeras, Maureen Clerc and Theo Papadopoulo. “Neural mass model parameter identification for MEG/EEG.” Proceedings of SPIE: Medical Imaging 2007. Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Imaging, vol. 6511, pp. 0F-1-0F-9, February 2007.
- Barva Martin. “Localization of Surgical Instruments in 3D Ultrasound Images.” pp. 153, June 2007.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Model Fitting Using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1907-1916, Aug. 2010.
- Martin Barva, Marián Uherčík, Jean-Martial Mari, Jan Kybic, Jean-René Duhamel, Hervé Liebgott, Václav Hlaváč and Christian Cachard. “Parallel Integral Projection Transform for Straight Electrode Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC), vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1559-1569, July 2008.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Jan Kybic, Patrick Clarysse and David Sarrut. “Respiratory Motion Estimation from Cone-Beam Projections Using a Prior Model.” Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, vol. 5762, pp. 365-372, September 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Christian Cachard and Hervé Liebgott. “Line filtering for detection of microtools in 3D ultrasound data.” Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2009 IEEE International, pp. 594-597, September 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Hervé Liebgott, Jan Kybic and Christian Cachard. “Needle localization methods in 3D ultrasound data.” 2009 ICU International Congress on Ultrasonics, pp. 4, January 2009.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Patrick Clarysse, Jan Kybic and David Sarrut. “Estimating Respiratory Motion from Cone-Beam Projections.” Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pp. 83-92, September 2008.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Multi-resolution Parallel Integral Projection for Fast Localization of a Straight Electrode in 3D Ultrasound Images.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 33-36, May 2008.
- Marián Uherčík. “Surgical Tools Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” pp. 135, April 2011.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke. “Lung Motion Modelling and Estimation for Image Guided Radiation Therapy.” pp. 148, July 2010.
- Uherčík Marián, Kybic Jan, Liebgott Hervé and Cachard Christian. “Model Fitting using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” no. CTU-CMP-2009-11, pp. 7, September 2009.
- Uherčík Marián. “Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Data - PhD Thesis Proposal.” no. CTU-CMP-2009-08, pp. 47, August 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Model Fitting Using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1907-1916, Aug. 2010.
- Martin Barva, Marián Uherčík, Jean-Martial Mari, Jan Kybic, Jean-René Duhamel, Hervé Liebgott, Václav Hlaváč and Christian Cachard. “Parallel Integral Projection Transform for Straight Electrode Localization in 3-D Ultrasound Images.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC), vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1559-1569, July 2008.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Jan Kybic, Patrick Clarysse and David Sarrut. “Respiratory Motion Estimation from Cone-Beam Projections Using a Prior Model.” Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, vol. 5762, pp. 365-372, September 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Christian Cachard and Hervé Liebgott. “Line filtering for detection of microtools in 3D ultrasound data.” Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2009 IEEE International, pp. 594-597, September 2009.
- Marián Uherčík, Hervé Liebgott, Jan Kybic and Christian Cachard. “Needle localization methods in 3D ultrasound data.” 2009 ICU International Congress on Ultrasonics, pp. 4, January 2009.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Patrick Clarysse, Jan Kybic and David Sarrut. “Estimating Respiratory Motion from Cone-Beam Projections.” Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pp. 83-92, September 2008.
- Marián Uherčík, Jan Kybic, Hervé Liebgott and Christian Cachard. “Multi-resolution Parallel Integral Projection for Fast Localization of a Straight Electrode in 3D Ultrasound Images.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 33-36, May 2008.
- Marián Uherčík. “Surgical Tools Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” pp. 135, April 2011.
- Jef Vandemeulebroucke. “Lung Motion Modelling and Estimation for Image Guided Radiation Therapy.” pp. 148, July 2010.
- Uherčík Marián, Kybic Jan, Liebgott Hervé and Cachard Christian. “Model Fitting using RANSAC for Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” no. CTU-CMP-2009-11, pp. 7, September 2009.
- Uherčík Marián. “Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Data - PhD Thesis Proposal.” no. CTU-CMP-2009-08, pp. 47, August 2009.
- Arganda-Carreras I., Sorzano C. O. S., Thévenaz P., Muñoz-Barrutia A., Kybic J., Marabini R., Carazo J. M. and Ortiz-de-Solorzano C.. “Non-rigid consistent registration of 2D image sequences.” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 55, no. 20, pp. 6215-6242, September 2010.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Abràmoff Michael D. and Sonka Milan. “Semi-automated segmentation of Symptomatic Exudate-Associated Derangements (SEADs) in 3D OCT using layer segmentation.” Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images - Proceedings of Biosignal 2010, pp. NA, June 2010.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “The Lung TIME-Annotated Lung Nodule Dataset and Nodule Detection Framework.” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7260, pp. 72601U, February 2009.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Reducing false positive responses in lung nodule detector system by Asymmetric AdaBoost.” Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 656-659, May 2008.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Algoritmy CAD systému pro CT vyšetření plic na plicní uzly.” Radiační zátěž pacientů při CT vyšetření a problematika jejího stanovení, pp. 29-31, September 2008.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Abràmoff Michael D. and Sonka Milan. “Semi-automated segmentation of Symptomatic Exudate-Associated Derangements (SEADs) in 3D OCT using layer segmentation.” 2010.
- Dolejší Martin, Kybic Jan, Polovinčák Michal and Tůma Stanislav. “Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Nodules from CT Images.” Endosono, 2009.
- Serradell Eduard, Amável Pinheiro Miguel, Sznitman Raphael, Kybic Jan, Moreno-Noguer Francesc and Fua Pascal. “Non-Rigid Graph Registration using Active Testing Search.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 625-638, March 2015.
- Fernandez-de-Manuel L., Wollny G., Kybic J., Jimenez-Carretero Daniel, Tellado Jose M., Ramon E., Desco M., Santos A., Pascau J. and Ledesma-Carbayo M.. “Organ-Focused Mutual Information for Nonrigid Multimodal Registration of Liver CT and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI.” Medical Image Analysis, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 22-35, January 2014.
- Uhercik Marian, Kybic Jan, Zhao Yue, Cachard Christian and Liebgott Herve. “Line Filtering for Surgical Tool Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 2036-2045, December 2013.
- J. Vandemeulebroucke, O. Bernard, S. Rit, J. Kybic, P. Clarysse and D. Sarrut. “Automated Segmentation of a Motion Mask to Preserve Sliding Motion in Deformable Registration of Thoracic CT.” Medical Physics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 1006-1015, 2012.
- Kybic Jan and Vnučko Ivan. “Approximate All Nearest Neighbor Search for High Dimensional Entropy Estimation for Image Registration.” Signal Processing, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 1302-1316, 2012.
- García-Arteaga Juan David, Kybic Jan and Li Wenjing. “Automatic Colposcopy Video Tissue Classification Using Higher Order Entropy Based Registration.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 960-970, October 2011.
- Jan Kybic and Jiri Borovec. “Automatic simultaneous segmentation and fast registration of histological images.” International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 774-777, April-May 2014.
- Amável Pinheiro Miguel and Kybic Jan. “Path Descriptors for Geometric Graph Matching and Registration.” International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), pp. 3-11, October 2014.
- Glowacki Przemislaw, Amável Pinheiro Miguel, Turetken Engin, Sznitman Raphael, Lebrecht Daniel, Kybic Jan, Hotlmaat Anthony and Fua Pascal. “Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences.” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3035-3042, June 2014.
- Borovec Jiří and Kybic Jan. “jSLIC : superpixels in ImageJ.” Proc. of Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014, pp. 1-4, February 2014.
- Jan Kybic. “Registration of segmented histological images using thin plate splines and belief propagation.” SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 9034, pp. 90343E, February 2014.(Accepted)
- Thomas Dietenbeck, François Varray, Jan Kybic, Olivier Basset and Christian Cachard. “Neuromuscular fiber segmentation through particle filtering and discrete optimization.” SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 9034, pp. 90340B, February 2014.(Accepted)
- Švihlík J., Kybic J., Habart D., Berková Z., Girman P., Kříž J. and Zacharovová K.. “Classification of microscopy images of Langerhans islets.” Medical Imaging 2014: Image Processing, vol. 9034, pp. 1-8, February 2014.
- Habart D., Švihlík J., Girman P., Zacharovová K., Berková Z., Kříž J, Papáčková Z., Cahová M., Kybic J. and Saudek F.. “Assessment of a Novel Trainable Algorithm for Automated Segmentation of Multiple Islet Images..” Abstract book of 4th Joint EPITA and AIDPIT Winter Symposium, vol. , pp. 36-36, January 2014.
- Pinheiro Miguel Amável, Sznitman Raphael, Serradell Eduard, Kybic Jan, Moreno-Noguer Francesc and Fua Pascal. “Active Testing Search for Point Cloud Matching.” Information Processing in Medical Imaging, vol. 7917, pp. 572-583, July 2013.
- Borovec Jiří. “Fully automatic segmentation of stained histological cuts.” 17th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-7, May 2013.
- Borovec Jiří, Kybic Jan, Bušta Michal, Ortiz-de-Solorzano Carlos and Muñoz-Barrutia Arrate. “Registration of multiple stained histological sections.” Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 1034-1037, April 2013.
- François Varray, Jan Kybic, Olivier Basset and Christian Cachard. “Neuromuscular fiber segmentation using particle filtering and discrete optimization.” MICCAI: Histopathology Image Analysis workshop., pp. 48-59, October 2012.
- E.Serradell, P.Glowacki, J.Kybic, F.Moreno-Noguer and P.Fua. “Robust Non-Rigid Registration of 2D and 3D Graphs.” IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 996-1003, June 2012.
- E. Serradell, J. Kybic, F. Moreno-Noguer and P. Fua. “Robust elastic 2D/3D geometric graph matching.” SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 8314, pp. 8314-08, February 2012.
- Borovec Jiří. “Segmentation and registration of multiple stained histological sections - PhD Thesis Proposal.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-23, pp. 34, September 2013.
- Borovec Jiří, Kybic Jan, Bušta Michal, Ortiz-de-Solorzano Carlos and Muñoz-Barrutia Arrate. “Registration of multiple stained histological sections.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-03, pp. 10, January 2013.
- Pinheiro Miguel and Kybic Jan. “Graph and point cloud registration.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-02, pp. 27, January 2013.
- Kybic Jan. “Registration of segmented histological images using thin plate splines and belief propagation.” no. CTU-CMP-2012-21, pp. , October 2012.
- Borovec Jiří and Kybic Jan. “Segmentation for registration of histological cuts.” no. CTU-CMP-2012-03, pp. 46, February 2012.
- Serradell Eduard, Amável Pinheiro Miguel, Sznitman Raphael, Kybic Jan, Moreno-Noguer Francesc and Fua Pascal. “Non-Rigid Graph Registration using Active Testing Search.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 625-638, March 2015.
- Amável Pinheiro Miguel and Kybic Jan. “Path Descriptors for Geometric Graph Matching and Registration.” International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), pp. 3-11, October 2014.
- Glowacki Przemislaw, Amável Pinheiro Miguel, Turetken Engin, Sznitman Raphael, Lebrecht Daniel, Kybic Jan, Hotlmaat Anthony and Fua Pascal. “Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences.” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3035-3042, June 2014.
- Borovec Jiří and Kybic Jan. “jSLIC : superpixels in ImageJ.” Proc. of Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014, pp. 1-4, February 2014.
- Pinheiro Miguel Amável, Sznitman Raphael, Serradell Eduard, Kybic Jan, Moreno-Noguer Francesc and Fua Pascal. “Active Testing Search for Point Cloud Matching.” Information Processing in Medical Imaging, vol. 7917, pp. 572-583, July 2013.
- Borovec Jiří. “Fully automatic segmentation of stained histological cuts.” 17th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-7, May 2013.
- Borovec Jiří, Kybic Jan, Bušta Michal, Ortiz-de-Solorzano Carlos and Muñoz-Barrutia Arrate. “Registration of multiple stained histological sections.” Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 1034-1037, April 2013.
- Borovec Jiří. “Segmentation and registration of multiple stained histological sections - PhD Thesis Proposal.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-23, pp. 34, September 2013.
- Borovec Jiří, Kybic Jan, Bušta Michal, Ortiz-de-Solorzano Carlos and Muñoz-Barrutia Arrate. “Registration of multiple stained histological sections.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-03, pp. 10, January 2013.
- Pinheiro Miguel and Kybic Jan. “Graph and point cloud registration.” no. CTU-CMP-2013-02, pp. 27, January 2013.
- Dolejší Martin. “Comparison of nodule candidate detecting algorithms.” no. CTU-CMP-2012-02, pp. 23, January 2012.
- Glowacki P., Pinheiro M. A., Mosinska A., Türetken E., Lebrecht D., Sznitman R., Holtmaat A., Kybic J. and Fua P.. “Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency.” Trans. Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 755-761, March 2018.
- Borovec J., Kybic J. and Sugimoto A.. “Region growing using superpixels with learned shape prior.” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017.
- Borovec J., Švihlík J., Kybic J. and Habart D.. “Supervised and unsupervised segmentation using superpixels, model estimation, and Graph Cut.” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017.
- Olveres J., Nava R., Escalante-Ramirez B., Vallejo E. and Kybic J.. “Left ventricle Hermite-based segmentation.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 87, pp. 236-249, 2017.
- Pinheiro M. A., Kybic J. and Fua P.. “Geometric Graph Matching Using Monte Carlo Tree Search.” Trans. Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2171-2185, 2017.
- Martínez F., Kybic J., Lambert L. and Mecková Z.. “Fully-automated classification of bone marrow infiltration in low-dose CT of patients with multiple myeloma based on probabilistic density model and supervised learning.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 71, pp. 57-66, April 2016.
- Nava R., Gonzáles G., Kybic J. and Escalante-Ramírez Boris. “Characterization of Hematologic Malignancies based on Discrete Orthogonal Moments.” IPTA: International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, pp. 1-6, December 2016.
- Borovec J. and Kybic J.. “Binary pattern dictionary learning for gene expression representation in drosophila imaginal discs.” MCBMIAA2016: workshop on mathematical and computational methods in biomedical imaging and image analysis, pp. 555-569, November 2016.
- Carbajal-Degante E., Nava R., Olveres J., Escalante-Ramírez B. and Kybic J.. “Texel-based Image Classification with Orthogonal Bases.” Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe, pp. 98961K, April 2016.
- Amável Pinheiro Miguel and Kybic Jan. “Geometrical Graph Matching using Monte Carlo Tree Search.” International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP), vol. , pp. 3145-3149, Septemper 2015.
- Kybic Jan, Dolejší Martin and Borovec Jiří. “Fast registration of segmented images by normal sampling.” CVPRW: BioImage Computing Workshop, pp. 11-19, 6 2015.
- Nava Rodrigo, Olveres Jimena, Kybic Jan, Escalante-Ramíres Boris and Cristóbal Gabriel. “Feature Ensemble for Quantitative Analysis of Emphysema in CT imaging.” International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), pp. 1-4, November 2015.(Accepted)
- Nava Rodrigo, González Germán, Kybic Jan and Escalante-Ramírez Boris. “Classification of Tumor Epithelium and Stroma in Colorectal Cancer based on Discrete Tchebichef Moments.” Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging (MICCAI workshop), vol. 9401, pp. 79-87, October 2015.(Accepted)
- Francisco Martínez-Martínez, Jan Kybic and Lukas Lambert. “Automatic detection of bone marrow infiltration by multiple myeloma detection in low-dose CT.” International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP), vol. , no. , pp. 4813-4817, September 2015.
- Nava Rodrigo and Kybic Jan. “Supertexton-based segmentation in early Drosophila oogenesis.” International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2656-2659, 2015.
- Borovec J., Švihlík J., Kybic J. and Habart D.. “Supervised and unsupervised segmentation using superpixels, model estimation, and Graph Cut.” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017.
- Habart David, Švihlík Jan, Schier Jan, Cahová Monika, Girman Peter, Zacharovová Klára, Berková Zuzana, Kříž Jan, Fabryová Eva, Kosinová Lucie, Papáčková Zuzana, Kybic Jan and Saudek František. “Automated Analysis of Microscopic Images of Isolated Pancreatic Islets.” Cell Transplantation, no. 12, pp. 2145-2156, December 2016.
- Martínez F., Kybic J., Lambert L. and Mecková Z.. “Fully-automated classification of bone marrow infiltration in low-dose CT of patients with multiple myeloma based on probabilistic density model and supervised learning.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 71, pp. 57-66, April 2016.
- Dvořák J., Švihlík J., Habart D. and Kybic J.. “Comparison of volume estimation methods for pancreatic islet cells.” Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing, vol. 9784, pp. , 2016.
- Švihlík J., Kybic J. and Habart D.. “Automated separation of merged Langerhans islets.” Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing, vol. 9784, pp. , 2016.
- Švihlík J., Kybic J., Dvořák J., Habart D., Hlushak H. and Radochová B.. “Langerhans islet volume estimation from 3D optical projection tomography.” MCBMIAA2016: Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis, November 2016.(Accepted)
- Francisco Martínez-Martínez, Jan Kybic and Lukas Lambert. “Automatic detection of bone marrow infiltration by multiple myeloma detection in low-dose CT.” International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP), vol. , no. , pp. 4813-4817, September 2015.
- Svihlik J., Kybic J. and Habart D.. “Color normalization for robust evaluation of microscopy images.” Optics and Photonics 2015: Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVIII, vol. 9599, pp. 1-6, August 2015.
- Borovec J., Kybic J., Arganda-Carreras I., Sorokin D. V., Bueno G., Khvostikov A. V., Bakas S., Chang E. I., Heldmann S., Kartasalo K., Latonen L., Lotz J., Noga M., Pati S., Punithakumar K., Ruusuvuori P., Skalski A., Tahmasebi N., Valkonen M., Venet L., et al. “ANHIR: Automatic Non-rigid Histological Image Registration Challenge.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, no. 10, pp. 3042-3052, October 2020.
- Dvořák J., Švihlík J., Kybic J., Radochová B., Janáček J., Kukal J., Borovec J. and Habart D.. “Volume estimation from single images: an application to pancreatic islets.” Image Analysis & Stereology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 191-204, 2018.
- Borovec J., Muñoz-Barrutia A. and Kybic J.. “Benchmarking of image registration methods for differently stained histological slides.” ICIP, October 2018.
- Pinheiro M. A. and Kybic J.. “Incremental B-spline deformation model for geometric graph matching.” ISBI, pp. 1079-1082, April 2018.
- Hering J., Kybic J. and Lambert L.. “Detecting multiple myeloma via generalized multiple-instance learning.” SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, vol. 10574, pp. 10574-6, January 2018.
- Kybic J. and Borovec J.. “Fast registration by boundary sampling and linear programming.” MICCAI, vol. 11070, pp. 783-791, 2018.
- Baručić D., Kaushik S., Kybic J., Stanková J., Džubák P. and Hajdúch M.. “Characterization of drug effects on cell cultures from phase-contrast microscopy images.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022.
- Borovec J., Kybic J., Arganda-Carreras I., Sorokin D. V., Bueno G., Khvostikov A. V., Bakas S., Chang E. I., Heldmann S., Kartasalo K., Latonen L., Lotz J., Noga M., Pati S., Punithakumar K., Ruusuvuori P., Skalski A., Tahmasebi N., Valkonen M., Venet L., et al. “ANHIR: Automatic Non-rigid Histological Image Registration Challenge.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, no. 10, pp. 3042-3052, October 2020.
- Cuesta-Frau D., Novák D., Burda V., Abasolo D., Adjei T. and others. “Influence of Duodenal–Jejunal Implantation on Glucose Dynamics: A Pilot Study Using Different Nonlinear Methods.” Complexity, 2019.
- Cirugeda-Roldán E. M., Picó’ A. M., Novák D., Cuesta-Frau D. and Kremen V.. “Sample Entropy Analysis of Noisy Atrial Electrograms during Atrial Fibrillation.” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018.
- Dlask M., Kukal J. and Sovka P.. “Fractional Brownian Bridge Model for Alzheimer Disease Detection from EEG Signal.” ICSPIS: International Conference On Signal Processing and Information Security, 2018.
- Dvořák J., Švihlík J., Kybic J., Radochová B., Janáček J., Kukal J., Borovec J. and Habart D.. “Volume estimation from single images: an application to pancreatic islets.” Image Analysis & Stereology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 191-204, 2018.
- Rusz J., Hlavnička J., Tykalová T., Novotný M, Dušek P., Šonka K. and Růžička E.. “Smartphone allows capture of speech abnormalities associated with high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018.
- Sebek, Bortel R. and Sovka P.. “Suppression of overlearning in independent component analysis used for removal of muscular artifacts from electroencephalographic records.” PLOS ONE, 2018.
- Denis Baručić and Jan Kybic. “Learning to segment from object sizes.” ITAT: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, vol. 3226, September 2022.
- Baručić D. and Kybic J.. “Fast learning from label proportions with small bags.” ICIP: International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 3156-3160, 2022.
- Mertanová H., Kybic J., Staňková J., Džubák P. and Hajdúch M.. “Learning to segment cell nuclei in phase-contrast microscopy from fluorescence images for drug discovery.” SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 12032, 2022.
- Baručić D., Kybic J., Teplá O., Topurko Z. and Kratochvílová I.. “Automatic evaluation of human oocyte developmental potential from microscopy images.” SIPAIM: International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2021.
- Kostelanský M., Manzano-Rodríguez A., Kybic J., Hekrdla M., Dvorský O., Kozel J., Baurová P., Pakizer D. and Školoudík D.. “Differentiating between stable and progressive carotid atherosclerotic plaques from in-vivo ultrasound images using texture descriptors.” SIPAIM: International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2021.
- Borovec J., Muñoz-Barrutia A. and Kybic J.. “Benchmarking of image registration methods for differently stained histological slides.” ICIP, October 2018.
- Pinheiro M. A. and Kybic J.. “Incremental B-spline deformation model for geometric graph matching.” ISBI, pp. 1079-1082, April 2018.
- Kybic J. and Borovec J.. “Fast registration by boundary sampling and linear programming.” MICCAI, vol. 11070, pp. 783-791, 2018.
- Baručić D. and Kybic J.. “Learning to segment from object thickness annotations.” ISBI: International symposium on biomedical imaging, 2023.
- Kostelanský M., Manzano-Rodríguez A., Kybic J., Hekrdla M., Dvorský O., Kozel J., Baurová P., Pakizer D. and Školoudík D.. “Differentiating between stable and progressive carotid atherosclerotic plaques from in-vivo ultrasound images using texture descriptors.” SIPAIM: International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, 2021.
- Denis Baručić and Jan Kybic. “Learning to segment from object sizes.” ITAT: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, vol. 3226, September 2022.
- Baručić D. and Kybic J.. “Fast learning from label proportions with small bags.” ICIP: International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 3156-3160, 2022.