Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //part of the source code of master thesis, source code produced by Jiri Divis
00007 #ifndef VSLAM_VIS_H_INCLUDED
00008 #define VSLAM_VIS_H_INCLUDED
00011 #include "utils.h"
00012 #include "pose_graph.h"
00013 //#include "feature_track_graph.h"
00016 void drawRaysOnEpipolarPlane(
00017         const Matrix3d & E,
00018         const ImageMatchVec & matches,
00019         cv::Mat & img1,
00020         cv::Mat & img2);
00022 //void drawKeypoints(const vector<cv::KeyPoint> & keypoints, cv::Mat & image);
00023 //void drawKeypoints(const ImageCoordinateVec & keypoints, cv::Mat & image);
00025 namespace vslam{
00026 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00034 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00038 /*template<class PG> void drawVOTracks(
00039         const cv::Mat& image_in, cv::Mat& image_out, typename graph_traits<PG>::vertex_descriptor vd,
00040         const Points<PG>& points, const PG& pg){
00041     typename pg_traits<PG>::ftr_idx_iterator ftr_it, ftr_it_end;
00042     tie(ftr_it, ftr_it_end) = node_feature_idxs(vd, pg);
00043     while(ftr_it != ftr_it_end){
00044         FeatureTrackGraph<PG> ftg(pg, points, vd, *ftr_it);
00045         typedef typename graph_traits<FeatureTrackGraph<PG> >::edge_iterator EI;
00046         EI edge_it, edge_it_end;
00047         tie(edge_it, edge_it_end) = edges(ftg);
00048         while(edge_it != edge_it_end){
00049             typename graph_traits<PG>::vertex_descriptor sv, tv;
00050             int sidx, tidx;
00052             typename graph_traits<PG>::vertex_descriptor sv, tv
00053             sv=cvtToVertexDesc<PG>(get(vertex_pgvd, ftg, source(*edge_it, ftg)));
00054             int sidx = get(vertex_ftr_idx, ftg, source(*edge_it, ftg));
00055             tv = cvtToVertexDesc<PG>(get(vertex_pgvd, ftg, target(*edge_it, ftg)));
00056             int tidx = get(vertex_ftr_idx, ftg, target(*edge_it, ftg));
00058             cv::KeyPoint skp = get(vertex_kp, pg, sv)[sidx];
00059             cv::KeyPoint dkp = get(vertex_kp, pg, tv)[tidx];
00060             cv::Point center1(,;
00061             cv::Point center2(,;
00062             cv::line(image_out, center1, center2, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA);
00063             ++edge_it;
00064         }
00065         ++ftr_it;
00066     }
00067 }*/
00075 template<class G> void edgeVisualization(const cv::Mat& img1, const cv::Mat& img2, G& graph, 
00076         typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor vd1,
00077         typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor vd2){
00078     cv::Mat image1, image2;
00079     image1=img1.clone();
00080     image2=img2.clone();
00081     SE3 computedT = get(edge_transform, graph, edge(vd1, vd2, graph).first);
00082     drawMatchedNodeKeypoints(image1, vd1, vd2, graph, image1);
00083     drawMatchedNodeKeypoints(image2, vd2, vd1, graph, image2);
00084     ImageMatchVec matches = computeMatches(vd1, vd2, graph);
00085     drawRaysOnEpipolarPlane(sE3ToE(computedT), matches, image1, image2);
00086     cv::imwrite(seqencedName(get(vertex_seq, graph, vd1), "epilines.jpg"), image1);
00087     cv::imwrite(seqencedName(get(vertex_seq, graph, vd2), "epilines.jpg"), image2);
00088 }
00094 template<class G> void drawNodeKeypoints( typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor vd, 
00095         const G& g, const cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& out_image){
00096     cv::drawKeypoints(image, get(vertex_kp, g, vd), out_image, cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
00097 }
00106 template<class G> void drawMatchedNodeKeypoints(
00107         const cv::Mat& image,
00108         typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor vd_img, 
00109         typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor matched_vd,
00110         const G& g,
00111         cv::Mat out_image){
00112     const vector<cv::KeyPoint>&  kpts = get(vertex_kp, g, vd_img);
00113     list<int> mkp_idxs = transformF<int>(
00114             mapToList(get(edge_kp_idx_map,g,edge(vd_img, matched_vd, g).first)), 
00115             getFirst);
00116     list<int> mkp_inv_idxs= inverse_idxs(mkp_idxs, makeSeq(0, (int)kpts.size() - 1, 1)); 
00117     vector<cv::KeyPoint> mkpts = switchCont<vector>(transformF<cv::KeyPoint>(
00118             getByIdx(indexBy(makeSeq(0, (int)kpts.size() - 1, 1), kpts), mkp_idxs), 
00119             getSecond));
00120     vector<cv::KeyPoint> nkpts = switchCont<vector>(transformF<cv::KeyPoint>(
00121             getByIdx(indexBy(makeSeq(0, (int)kpts.size() - 1, 1), kpts), mkp_inv_idxs), 
00122             getSecond));
00124     cv::drawKeypoints(image, mkpts, out_image, cv::Scalar(0,255,0));//, 
00125             //cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
00126     cv::drawKeypoints(image, nkpts, out_image, cv::Scalar(150,150,150));//, 
00127             //cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
00128 }
00130 template<class G>
00131 void drawMatches(const cv::Mat & srci, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor srcv, 
00132         const cv::Mat & desti, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor destv, const G& g){
00133     cv::Mat imageMatches;
00135     vector<cv::DMatch> dmatches;
00136     const map<int, int> & src_dst_map = get(edge_kp_idx_map, g, edge(srcv, destv, g).first);
00137     std::transform(src_dst_map.begin(), src_dst_map.end(), back_inserter(dmatches), dmatchFromPair);
00139     cv::drawMatches(
00140             srci, get(vertex_kp, g, srcv),  // 1st image and its keypoints
00141             desti, get(vertex_kp, g, destv),  // 2nd image and its keypoints
00142             dmatches,                   // the matches
00143             imageMatches,               // the image produced
00144             cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); // color of the lines
00145     std::ostringstream s;
00146     s << get(vertex_seq, g, srcv) << "to" << get(vertex_seq, g, destv) << "_" << "matches.jpg";
00147     cv::imwrite(s.str(), imageMatches);
00148 }
00150 template<class G>
00151 void drawMatches2(cv::Mat & srci, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor srcv, 
00152         cv::Mat & desti, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor destv, const G& g){
00154     vector<cv::DMatch> dmatches;
00155     const map<int, int> & src_dst_map = get(edge_kp_idx_map, g, edge(srcv, destv, g).first);
00156     std::transform(src_dst_map.begin(), src_dst_map.end(), back_inserter(dmatches), dmatchFromPair);
00158     typename property_map<G, vertex_kp_t>::const_type vkpmap = get(vertex_kp, g);
00160     for(size_t i=0; i<dmatches.size(); i++){
00161         cv::Point2d pt1 = vkpmap[srcv][dmatches[i].queryIdx].pt;
00162         cv::Point2d pt2 = vkpmap[destv][dmatches[i].trainIdx].pt;
00163         cv::line(srci, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 4);
00164         cv::line(desti, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 4);
00165     }
00166 }
00168 template<class G>
00169 void drawMatches3(cv::Mat & srci, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor srcv, 
00170         cv::Mat & desti, typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor destv, const G& g, 
00171         const Points<G>& points){
00173     vector<cv::DMatch> dmatches;
00174     const map<int, int> & src_dst_map = get(edge_kp_idx_map, g, edge(srcv, destv, g).first);
00175     std::transform(src_dst_map.begin(), src_dst_map.end(), back_inserter(dmatches), dmatchFromPair);
00177     typename property_map<G, vertex_kp_t>::const_type vkpmap = get(vertex_kp, g);
00178     typename property_map<G, vertex_fix_idx_t>::const_type vfixmap = get(vertex_fix_idx, g);
00180     for(size_t i=0; i<dmatches.size(); i++){
00181         int v1idx = dmatches[i].queryIdx;
00182         int v2idx = dmatches[i].trainIdx;
00183         if(vfixmap[srcv][v1idx]!=BAD_INDEX && points.getPoint(vfixmap[srcv][v1idx]).initialized){ 
00184             if(vfixmap[destv][v2idx]!=BAD_INDEX && points.getPoint(vfixmap[destv][v2idx]).initialized){
00185                 cv::Point2d pt1 = vkpmap[srcv][v1idx].pt;
00186                 cv::Point2d pt2 = vkpmap[destv][v2idx].pt;
00187                 cv::line(srci, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 4);
00188                 cv::line(desti, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 4);
00189             }
00190         }
00191     }
00192 }
00195 inline void drawMyKpt(cv::Mat & image, cv::Point pt, cv::Scalar color){
00196     cv::circle(image,pt,3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),1, CV_AA);
00197     cv::circle(image,pt,2,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),2, CV_AA);
00198     cv::circle(image,pt,2,color, 1, CV_AA);
00199     cv::circle(image,pt,1,color, 2, CV_AA);
00200 }
00203 template<class G>
00204 void drawLandmarkReprojections(
00205         cv::Mat & image, 
00206         typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor vd, 
00207         const G& g, 
00208         const Points<G>& points){
00209     typedef std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> TKP;
00210     typedef std::vector<int> TIDX;
00211     const TKP& kpts = get(vertex_kp, g, vd);
00212     const TIDX& landmark_indexes = get(vertex_fix_idx, g, vd);
00214     TKP::const_iterator kp_it = kpts.begin();
00215     TIDX::const_iterator li_it = landmark_indexes.begin();
00216     while(kp_it != kpts.end()){
00217         assert(li_it!=landmark_indexes.end());
00218         if(*li_it!=BAD_INDEX){
00219             Point<G> pt = points.getPoint(*li_it);
00220             if(pt.initialized){
00221                 drawMyKpt(image, kp_it->pt, cv::Scalar(255,255,255));
00222                 const SE3& T_wc = get(vertex_transform, g, vd);
00223                 Vector2d reproj_pt0 = PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(T_wc*;
00224                 cv::Point reproj_pt(reproj_pt0(0), reproj_pt0(1));
00225                 //drawMyKpt(image, reproj_pt);
00226                 cv::line(image, kp_it->pt, reproj_pt,cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, CV_AA);
00227                 cv::line(image, kp_it->pt, reproj_pt,cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA);
00228             } else{
00229                 drawMyKpt(image, kp_it->pt, cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
00230             }
00231         }
00232         kp_it++; li_it++;
00233     }
00234 }
00236 }
00237 #endif
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Author(s): Jiri Divis/
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:12