Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //part of the source code of master thesis, source code produced by Jiri Divis
00009 #include "utils.h"
00010 #include "vis.h"
00011 #include "model_estimation.h"
00012 #include <iostream>
00018 //needed also by epipolar matching
00019 double getInPlaneThetaByPhi(const Eigen::Hyperplane<double, 3> & epipolar_plane, double x){
00020     Eigen::Vector4d c = epipolar_plane.coeffs();
00021     Vector3d h = PanoImCoord::fromPixel(Vector2d(x, 0.0)).getHomogenous();
00022     assert(c(3) == 0);
00023     double y = (-c(0)*h(0) - c(2)*h(2)) / c(1);
00024     return PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(Vector3d(h(0), y, h(2))).getPixel()(1);
00025 }
00028 typedef list<std::pair<std::pair<double, double>, std::pair<double, double> > > LineList;
00030 void tmpname(const Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>& plane, 
00031         double max_len, double x1, double x2, LineList& lines ){
00032     double y1, y2;
00033     y1=getInPlaneThetaByPhi(plane, x1);
00034     y2=getInPlaneThetaByPhi(plane, x2);
00035     double length = std::sqrt(std::pow(x1-x2, 2) + std::pow(y2-y1, 2));
00036     if(length > max_len){
00037         tmpname(plane, max_len, x1, x1+(x2-x1)/2.0, lines); 
00038         tmpname(plane, max_len, x1+(x2-x1)/2.0, x2, lines);
00039     } else{
00040         lines.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(x1, y1), make_pair(x2, y2)));
00041     }
00042 }
00046 void tmpname(const Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>& plane, 
00047         double max_len, double x1, double x2, bool left_side, LineList& lines ){
00048     double y1, y2;
00049     y1=getInPlaneThetaByPhi(plane, x1);
00050     y2=getInPlaneThetaByPhi(plane, x2);
00051     double length = std::sqrt(std::pow(x1-x2, 2) + std::pow(y2-y1, 2));
00052     if(length > max_len){
00053         if(left_side){
00054             tmpname(plane, max_len, x1+(x2-x1)/2.0, x2, left_side, lines);
00055         } else{
00056             tmpname(plane, max_len, x1, x1+(x2-x1)/2.0, left_side, lines); 
00057         }
00058     } else{
00059         lines.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(x1, y1), make_pair(x2, y2)));
00060     }
00061 }
00063 void drawLineSegments(LineList& lines, cv::Mat& image){
00064     LineList::const_iterator it;
00065     it=lines.begin();
00066     while(it != lines.end()){
00067         cv::Point2d pt1 = cv::Point2d(it->first.first, it->first.second);
00068         cv::Point2d pt2 = cv::Point2d(it->second.first, it->second.second);
00069         cv::line(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 4);
00070         ++it;
00071     }
00072 }
00074 void drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3> plane, double step,
00075         cv::Mat & image){
00076     double a,b;
00077     a=0;
00078     b=PanoramaParams::width - 1;
00079     LineList lines;
00080     tmpname(plane, step, a, b, lines);
00081     drawLineSegments(lines, image);
00082 }
00084 void drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3> plane, double step,
00085         const Vector2d& ic, cv::Mat & image){
00086     double a,b;
00087     a=0;
00088     b=PanoramaParams::width - 1;
00089     LineList lines;
00090     tmpname(plane, step, a, ic(0), true, lines);
00091     tmpname(plane, step, ic(0), b, false, lines);
00092     drawLineSegments(lines, image);
00093 }
00095 /*
00096 void drawRaysOnEpipolarPlane(
00097         const Matrix3d & E,
00098         const ImageMatchVec & matches,
00099         cv::Mat & img1,
00100         cv::Mat & img2){
00101     const double drawstep = 15.0;
00102     for(ImageMatchVec::const_iterator it=matches.begin(); it!=matches.end(); it++){
00103         PanoImCoord ic;
00104         double y;
00105         Vector3d c2_line = E * it->first;
00106         Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3> plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c2_line, 0);
00107         ic = PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(it->second);
00108         drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(plane, drawstep, ic, img2);
00110         Vector3d c1_line = (it->second).transpose() * E;
00111         plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c1_line, 0);
00112         ic = PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(it->first);
00113         y=getInPlaneThetaByPhi(plane, ic.getPixel()(0));
00114         cv::Point2d pt1 = cv::Point2d(ic.getPixel()(0), ic.getPixel()(1));
00115         cv::Point2d pt2 = cv::Point2d(ic.getPixel()(0), y);
00116         cv::line(img1, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 4);
00117         drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(plane, 
00118                 drawstep, ic, img1);
00119     }
00120 }*/
00122 void drawRaySegment(const Vector3d& line, const Vector3d& point_hom, cv::Mat& img){
00123     Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3> plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(line, 0);
00124     Vector2d point_pixel = PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(point_hom).getPixel();
00125     Vector2d pt_on_plane_pixel = PanoImCoord::fromHomogenous(
00126             closestPointOnEpipolarPlane(line, point_hom)).getPixel();
00127     cv::Point2d pt1 = cv::Point2d(point_pixel(0), point_pixel(1));
00128     cv::Point2d pt2 = cv::Point2d(pt_on_plane_pixel(0), pt_on_plane_pixel(1));
00129     cv::line(img, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,0,255), 1, 4);
00130     drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(
00131             plane, (double)PanoramaParams::width / 100.0, pt_on_plane_pixel, img);
00132 }
00135 void drawRaysOnEpipolarPlane(
00136         const Matrix3d & E,
00137         const ImageMatchVec & matches,
00138         cv::Mat & img1,
00139         cv::Mat & img2){
00140     Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3> plane;
00141     for(ImageMatchVec::const_iterator it=matches.begin(); it!=matches.end(); it++){
00142         Vector3d c2_line = E * it->first;
00143         plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c2_line, 0);
00144         drawRaySegment(c2_line, it->second, img2);
00146         Vector3d c1_line = (it->second).transpose() * E;
00147         plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c1_line, 0);
00148         drawRaySegment(c1_line, it->first, img1);
00149     }
00150     Points3dSTL im1points;
00151     list<double> elevations;
00152     double deg_in_rad=((M_PI / 2.0) / 90.0);
00153     elevations.push_back(0);
00154     elevations.push_back(40*deg_in_rad);
00155     elevations.push_back(-40*deg_in_rad);
00156     elevations.push_back(80*deg_in_rad);
00157     elevations.push_back(-80*deg_in_rad);
00158     //list<double>::const_iterator it = elevations.begin();
00159     /*while(it != elevations.end()){
00160         Vector3d point = PanoImCoord::fromSpherical(Vector2d(M_PI, *it)).getHomogenous();
00161         Vector3d c2_line = E * point;
00162         plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c2_line, 0);
00163         drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(plane, (double)PanoramaParams::width / 100.0, img1);
00164         Vector3d c1_line = point.transpose() * E;
00165         plane=Eigen::Hyperplane<double,3>(c1_line, 0);
00166         drawPixelsOnPlaneThroughProjCentre(plane, (double)PanoramaParams::width / 100.0, img2);
00167         ++it;
00168     }*/
00169 }
00171 void drawKeypoints(const vector<cv::KeyPoint> & keypoints, cv::Mat & image){
00172     for(unsigned int i = 0; i< keypoints.size(); i++){
00173         float x = keypoints[i].pt.x;
00174         float y = keypoints[i].pt.y;
00175         cv::circle(image,cv::Point(x,y),3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),3);
00176     }
00177 }
00179 void drawKeypoints(const ImageCoordinateVec & keypoints, cv::Mat & image){
00180     for(unsigned int i = 0; i< keypoints.size(); i++){
00181         Vector2d c = keypoints[i].getPixel();
00182         cv::circle(image,cv::Point(c(0), c(1)),3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),3);
00183     }
00184 }
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Author(s): Jiri Divis/
autogenerated on Wed Mar 27 2013 21:00:12